Married fellas come on's wedding band advice needed!!


Senior member
Nov 5, 2002
Now that I'm engaged (YAY!!), I need to find a wedding band. The thing is, I've never worn a ring in my life. I have no idea if "comfort-fit" bands are the way to go, or how important a 5mm vs. a 7mm band is (or any other thickness). Also, there are many different weights of thick is too thick?? How thin is too thin?? I'm confused. With your experience with your wedding band, what do you recommend? Any must dos, or must nots I should know about? I'm not a fan of yellow gold, so it would either be white gold or platinum for me. Thanks for your help!! :)


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2000
Having never worn a ring before, I went with a simple platinum band, 5 mm, non-comfort fit...feels fine although there's never a moment that I'm not aware of it ... although that could be because of it's weight or the symbolic representation of it that's dragging my soul ever lower towards a final doom of which I'll never escape; not sure which.


Jan 18, 2001
I have a plain band, fairly heavy. Make sure you get a comfort fit ring. The edges of the ring are beveled so that the band doesn't pinch your finger.


Mar 14, 2003
i got a 4mm(i think) platinum band. simple design, plain band with piping on the edges. if you haven't worn a ring before i don't think you should go with the wider bands. that being said, you'll most likely get used to any width eventually. i never take mine off.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2001
I got a white gold comfort fit ring. Couldn't tell you what size it is, though. I just went to the store where she had picked out her wedding band, and got pretty much the first wedding band I saw. Comfort fit sounded decent. I put it on and it fit. I asked if they had anything cheaper and she said that the plain band was about as cheap as they come. So, I took it.

I have never worn a ring before and didn't like the idea of wearing one after married. So, I could have basically cared less about my ring as long as it was plain and somewhat cheap. I felt like a mobster for months when I first started wearing it. Now, after nearly a year, I don't really notice it.

I could have cared less about any design or something like that. No jewels either. I just wanted something very plain that wouldn't irritate my skin or hurt when I was wearing it.


Jan 24, 2001
I don't wear my band ever.

If you nigh a ring to prove the love you have in your heart you really don't have that much love or your wife isn't trustworthy.

I used to travel alot for work and I found myself getting hit on in bars WITH my ring on. SO I just stopped wearing it. I get approached alot less now.

I just wanna have a beer and watch the game dammit.


Senior member
Feb 21, 2003
I will give a vote of confidence for white-gold (I see no reason to go platinum....WAY to pricey for a similar look to WG). I have a comfort-fit band, though not sure what the thinkness is, and once the novelty of wearing it wore off, I don't even notice its there anymore. I got married Oct 20 2001 and its still in excellent shape. You should try to buy your bands in the same place you bought your engagement ring, they typically offer a discount for a return buyer...especially if you buy both bands together. Hers ended up being free when we bought the set (after discount of course).

One thing I do suggest is once you have them, get the jeweler to do a "Rodium(sp?) treatment" on the rings, its brings back luster etc..makes the rings look new after you get some wear on them, also takes the inherent yellow undertone to gold and gets rid of it.

Congrats and good luck with the wedding.


Senior member
Feb 21, 2003
If you nigh a ring to prove the love you have in your heart you really don't have that much love or your wife isn't trustworthy.

Why even bother posting...

tm37 post count +1



Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2001
I'm in the process of arranging my wedding band.

Comfort fit is defintely the way to go (for me anyhow). The ring is rounded, fits the natural form of the finger, and makes it feel less like you are actually wearing a ring.

Thickness is really something you need to decide on yourself, some people like bigger rings. I find 5mm to be just enough.

Gold and platinum, nahh. Have a look at Titanium. I'll link you to some of the rings I've been looking at. Very different, very cool

I especially like the ones with gold inlay. Like model 2-004g


Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2001
I'm thinking quite seriously about buying from the site I linked to.

When you buy, they express you a sizing kit and you email the results to them. You can customize almost everything about the ring and have it engraved (they make and sell them), full money back guarantee, etc.

You can even specify the grade of titanium. I think I'm going with the aircraft (i.e. fighter jet) grade titanium.

Go to some stores and get the thickness and fit nailed down, use that to make your order online.


Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Saltin
I'm thinking quite seriously about buying from the site I linked to.

When you buy, they express you a sizing kit and you email the results to them. You can customize almost everything about the ring and have it engraved (they make and sell them), full money back guarantee, etc.

You can even specify the grade of titanium. I think I'm going with the aircraft (i.e. fighter jet) grade titanium.

Go to some stores and get the thickness and fit nailed down, use that to make your order online.

sounds pretty cool but i would definitely still suggest going out to a store and trying on a ring with similar dimensions just to see what something looks like there. the size may be spot on but if you have thinner fingers and opt for a very wide band it might not look so great.


Senior member
Nov 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Saltin
I'm thinking quite seriously about buying from the site I linked to.

When you buy, they express you a sizing kit and you email the results to them. You can customize almost everything about the ring and have it engraved (they make and sell them), full money back guarantee, etc.

You can even specify the grade of titanium. I think I'm going with the aircraft (i.e. fighter jet) grade titanium.

Go to some stores and get the thickness and fit nailed down, use that to make your order online.
Wow! Some of those rings are really good looking! Check out the upgraded box you can get as an option?! :Q


Feb 8, 2001
The wife and I picked ours up at a jewelry place in the mall that sales jewelry for cheap. Got both hers and mine fairly cheap. Mine is fairly thick(maybe 7mm dunno). I would recommend 14kt over 12kt or 18kt(hard enough and looks good).

The only option you need is the comfort fit so that it won't dig into your skin. If you really want to blow a wad on it, go get platinum wedding bands.


Jan 24, 2001
Originally posted by: BunLengthHotDog
If you nigh a ring to prove the love you have in your heart you really don't have that much love or your wife isn't trustworthy.

Why even bother posting...

tm37 post count +1


I have been married for over seven years and I stopped wearing my band a bout 4 years ago.

To often people get hung up on a matieral item and forget what is behind it.

I had a friend who's G/F looked at him while they were over and said "I wouldn't wear a ring that cost less than 2K so until you can afford that don't bother" I told her she was very lucky that she wasn't marring me be cause I don't think that a 2K loan proves love.

I spent 188 dollars on my wedding set (2 bands and engagement) it is a very simple set. Depending on your job you may or may not want to wear it at work. (when I was on the flight deck rings were forbidden) due to health and injury conserns.

I have bought my wife other jewlery but we decide how much to spend, and when. I am not a big jewelry g8uy so for me there is no reason to spend alot of money on something I won't enjoy wearing out of obligation.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Engaged men don't wear wedding rings. You will get your ring at your wedding ceremony.


Mar 18, 2000
mine is platinum with gold inlay.. Looks just like this one, but this example is titanium.

Platinum is a lot more expensive, and I almost went with titanium, but you can NEVER get it resised.. Titanium rings are the size that they came.. Always..

EDIT: Oh you must get confort fit..



Senior member
Nov 5, 2002
Originally posted by: hevnsnt
mine is platinum with gold inlay.. Looks just like this one, but this example is titanium.

Platinum is a lot more expensive, and I almost went with titanium, but you can NEVER get it resised.. Titanium rings are the size that they came.. Always..

EDIT: Oh you must get confort fit..
Ti can never be never be resized?! What will I do when I'm old and fat?? ;) Hey! fiance's parents live in Overland Park.


Mar 18, 2000
Originally posted by: fonzinator
Originally posted by: hevnsnt
mine is platinum with gold inlay.. Looks just like this one, but this example is titanium.

Platinum is a lot more expensive, and I almost went with titanium, but you can NEVER get it resised.. Titanium rings are the size that they came.. Always..

EDIT: Oh you must get confort fit..
Ti can never be never be resized?! What will I do when I'm old and fat?? ;) Hey! fiance's parents live in Overland Park.

Cool.. Yeah, NEVER EVER resised.. And if you start looking at platinum, make sure you buy it from a nice place.. If they tell you that platinum will bend and get nasty, move to a different place. We ended up spending a lot more than I wanted to on my ring, but in the end I got exactly what I wanted. ;)


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: BunLengthHotDog
If you nigh a ring to prove the love you have in your heart you really don't have that much love or your wife isn't trustworthy.

Why even bother posting...

tm37 post count +1

His contribution sure as hell owns yours.