Mapped drives showing "disconnected" icon?


Golden Member
Nov 4, 1999

This one is driving me nuts. I have a small home Lan. One file server, and two Athlon systems- One for my wife, and one for me. All systems are running WindowsXP.

Both computers have a series of mapped network drives for access to backups of files, MP3s, etc.

My computer connects just fine on boot.

My wifes computer boots, but all of the mapped drive have the "disconnected" drive icon. There is no message when she boots that she couldn't connect to a drive.... The aren't really disconnected, and as soon as you browse a file, you can see it's contents.

The problem is that some programs think that the drives do not exist initially. The biggest problem is a backup batch that I wrote for her. If she does not browse here mapped drive first, the backup software thinks that the drive doesn't exist.

I've compared the two network setups to each other and I can't find any differences.

Any thoughts? Did I miss something?




Jun 19, 2000
I see this too under somewhat similar circumstances. Both machines running XP Pro. Mapped drive(s) show as disconnected. Double clicking the icon shows contents of the drive. After that, drive shows as connected.

The irony of this is, that this was bulletproof in 98SE.