Originally posted by: DainBramaged
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
why should he be shot he never killed anyone.
Thank you!
You guys are too harsh - I'm not sure if you were raised very religious, lead a charmed life, or what, but don't get carried away here...
Getting arrested 226 times is absurd, but if he never hurt anyone, raped anyone, or did anything other than make an ass out of himself, then I'm not sure if locking him away and throwing away the key is necessarily the best option. Killing him is certainly too far.
OK, So i thought about it and, yes, he probably should be in a minimum security cell no matter what his offenses. But i will add that I think the 3 strikes rule is far too harsh. I was a confused teen who lived in a big city (NYC) and had my share of punk rock wanna-be friends. We got in trouble all the time but we all were given wrist slap after wrist slap, probably because they were upper-middle class white kids. I'm not pulling the race card - I'm not white. But we did things that we probably should have been arrested for (shoplifting, etc.) that we all grew up past and we are all upstanding citizens right now. If we weren't who we were (read: if we were poor minorities) the "teenage angst driven mistakes" that we moved on past might have left us with a criminal record, or worse.