Making link in flash?


Golden Member
May 11, 2000
There are actually two ways to create a "text" link inside a Flash object. You can just make it a button with the same up/down/over state (i.e., the text), and then specify a rectangle around the text in the hit frame. If you put just the text in the hit frame, then the link only works when you click on the text itself, which is annoying and can be hard to do depending on the font and size of the text.

However, if you are using Flash 5, you can actually create a link in text directly. Press Ctrl+T to get the "Character" window, and insert the URL in the URL field of the selected text, or as you create the new text.

No clue on your second question though.


Golden Member
May 11, 2000
Create a new symbol and give it the button attribute. Put the text in a layer in the Up frame. Insert a keyframe in the remaining frames. On the Hit frame, draw a filled rectangle over the text. The rectangle won't show up the Flash file, but serves as a reference for the file itself so it knows where to capture mouse clicks. Again, if you don't put the rectangle in the Hit frame, it'll only capture clicks that occur on the lines that form the text, versus an area you define that will include the blank space between each letter.

If my explanation isn't coherent enough, PM me with your e-mail and I'll send you an FLA that demonstrates this.