Major Victory: GMOs Totally BANNED in Jackson & Josephine, Oregon


Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
GMOs or Genetically Modified Organism are according to the newly passed local laws be totally banned.

This is not a typo, it's not going to be labeled, it's going to be BANNED!!!:cool:

Hopefully this will create a spark for other counties!

Election results in Jackson


GMOs are nothing more than patented foods engineered to survive in artificially constructed environments the normal - but the problem is that it's designed to also be a poison, deliberately.

GMO seeds are sold with a sister product Glyphosate which is basically a bio weapon that the farmers pour on their food, all in the name of saving a bit of time not having to pull the weeds out.

Ofcourse the carcinogenic Glyphosate chemcial sticks to the food and is then eaten - combined with genetically modified food which also contains animal DNA from insects - why would they need animal DNA for ? ... :whiste:

In other words it is biological terrorism of the highest order and Russia agrees

“When a terrorist act is committed, only several people are usually hurt. But GMOs may hurt dozens and hundreds. The consequences are much worse. And punishment should be proportionate to the crime,” co-author Kirill Cherkasov, member of the State Duma Agriculture Committee told RT.



Also here an example of a genetic engineer and a researcher which joined forces to conclude that GMOs are neither safe nor necessary:


RoundUp = Glyphosate -- N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine -- CAS: 1071-83-6


To stay up to date on all things GMO hit on the recently launched "drudge report styled" news aggregation page here at


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
You'd rather a billion brown people starve to death than one white person get cancer. What a racist. I mean you're like worse than hitler even.


Apr 10, 2000
So they're banning any crop humans have cultivated since the beginning of agriculture? We've spent thousands of years selectively cross breeding and genetically modifying as a result pretty much every crop we've ever consumed.

I am extremely pro GMO foods. I would eat a GMO food before I ever ate anything organic.


Apr 8, 2002
So they're banning any crop humans have cultivated since the beginning of agriculture? We've spent thousands of years selectively cross breeding and genetically modifying as a result pretty much every crop we've ever consumed.

I am extremely pro GMO foods. I would eat a GMO food before I ever ate anything organic.

Anti-GMO is the lefts version of the rights climate change deniers. It just doesn't make any sense the fear of GMO food. As you point out. We have been doing this for thousands of years. Nature does this naturally as well. It's just in the last 100 or so year technology has allowed us to accelerate the rate of finding the desired traits within our food supply.


Oct 18, 2005
Imagine the kick ass construction projects we could build with a bulldozer that size......


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
So how do these counties plan on controlling the wind and insects that will cross pollinate the crops within their county with GMO crops in other counties?

That is an interesting point. Farmers whose crops get accidentally cross-pollinated because their farms were next door to farms with genetically patented crops have been SUED by the huge corporations who sell the seed. Kind of sad in a way.

In 1998, two years after the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Canada, the Schmeisers received a lawsuit notice from Monsanto which said that they were growing Roundup Ready canola without a licence from Monsanto and that this was a patent infringement. Monsanto had a patent on a gene to make GM canola resistant to the glyphosate herbicide in its formulation Roundup. This came as a complete surprise to the Schmeisers who immediately realised that all their research and development on canola over the past fifty years had been contaminated by Monsanto’s GMOs. They felt that they had a case against Monsanto for liability and the damages possibly caused to them, and that was the beginning of [1] Schmeiser’s Battle for the Seed (SiS 19). And 10 years on, the Schmeisers have been invited to London to tell their full story [2].

The Schmeisers stood up to Monsanto’s claims of patent infringement in the Federal Court with just one judge and no jury. The pre-trial took two years to go to court in which Monsanto claimed that despite having no knowledge of Percy Schmeiser ever having obtained any GM seed, he must have used their seed on his 1 030 acres of land because ninety-eight percent of the land was GM contaminated. And, because the Schmeisers had contaminated their own seed supply with Monsanto seed, ownership of the Schmeisers seed supply reverted to Monsanto under patent law.

Monsanto owns all crops or seeds contaminated, the court ruled
The Court ruled after a two-and-half-week trial that it was the first patent infringement case on a higher life form in the world. The Judge’s ruling and Percy Schmeiser’s name became famous overnight:

·It does not matter how a farmer, a forester, or a gardener’s seed or plants become contaminated with GMOs; whether through cross pollination, pollen blowing in the wind, by bees, direct seed movement or seed transportation, the growers no longer own their seeds or plants under patent law, they becomes Monsanto’s property.

·The rate of GM contamination does not matter; whether it’s 1 percent, 2 percent, 10 percent, or more, the seeds and plants still belong to Monsanto.

·It’s immaterial how the GM contamination occurs, or where it comes from.
The Schmeisers tracked down the source of the contamination. It was their neighbour who had planted GM crops in 1996 with no fence or buffer between them. Nevertheless, the Schmeisers’ seeds and plants reverted to Monsanto, and they were not allowed to use their own seeds and plants again, nor keep any profit from their canola crop in 1998.


Golden Member
Jul 27, 2010
Anti-GMO is the lefts version of the rights climate change deniers. It just doesn't make any sense the fear of GMO food. As you point out. We have been doing this for thousands of years. Nature does this naturally as well. It's just in the last 100 or so year technology has allowed us to accelerate the rate of finding the desired traits within our food supply.

I couldn't agree more. It's a little sad when people have such strong opinions on things that are a matter of fact.


Golden Member
Jul 27, 2010
That is an interesting point. Farmers whose crops get accidentally cross-pollinated because their farms were next door to farms with genetically patented crops have been SUED by the huge corporations who sell the seed. Kind of sad in a way.

According to the court documents, you have gotten many of the facts completely wrong. As an example:

"Ultimately, a Supreme Court 5-4 ruling found in favor of Monsanto, because Schmeiser had intentionally replanted the Roundup Ready seed that he had saved."

Schmeiser himself testified that he intentionally re-planted the Monsanto seeds.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
GMOs are nothing more than patented foods engineered to survive in artificially constructed environments the normal - but the problem is that it's designed to also be a poison, deliberately.

GMO seeds are sold with a sister product Glyphosate which is basically a bio weapon that the farmers pour on their food, all in the name of saving a bit of time not having to pull the weeds out.

Ofcourse the carcinogenic Glyphosate chemcial sticks to the food and is then eaten - combined with genetically modified food which also contains animal DNA from insects - why would they need animal DNA for ? ... :whiste:

In other words it is biological terrorism of the highest order and Russia agrees
do you have any [size=+2]credible[/size] peer-reviewed scientific evidence for this tin-foil hat nuttery?

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
That is an interesting point. Farmers whose crops get accidentally cross-pollinated because their farms were next door to farms with genetically patented crops have been SUED by the huge corporations who sell the seed. Kind of sad in a way.
glib and misleading.

The courts at all three levels noted that the case of accidental contamination beyond the farmer's control was not under consideration but rather that Mr. Schmeiser's action of having identified, isolated and saved the Roundup-resistant seed placed the case in a different category. The appellate court also discussed a possible intermediate scenario, in which a farmer is aware of contamination of his crop by genetically modified seed, but tolerates its presence and takes no action to increase its abundance in his crop. The court held that whether such a case would constitute patent infringement remains an open question but that it was a question that did not need to be decided in the Schmeiser case.(Paragraph 57 of the Appeals Court Decision[9])


Feb 18, 2004
well, good luck!

GMO's are the best. if labeling laws ever gets passed, I'll go out of my way to eat them for a more sustainable world.

I'd agree that Montanso is a pretty shit corporation, but that's not a reflection on GMO science as a whole.


Apr 13, 2012
So they're banning any crop humans have cultivated since the beginning of agriculture? We've spent thousands of years selectively cross breeding and genetically modifying as a result pretty much every crop we've ever consumed.

I am extremely pro GMO foods. I would eat a GMO food before I ever ate anything organic.


When thraashman and I agree you know you are an idiot for being on the other side.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Anti-GMO is the lefts version of the rights climate change deniers. It just doesn't make any sense the fear of GMO food. As you point out. We have been doing this for thousands of years. Nature does this naturally as well. It's just in the last 100 or so year technology has allowed us to accelerate the rate of finding the desired traits within our food supply.

Yeap, the same people who decry conservatives for ignoring science when it comes to climate change and evolution then turn right around and ignore science on these.

If you are actually pro-science that means you accept what science says even when it tells you things you don't want to hear unless you've got some pretty hefty evidence of your own.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I'm not sure due diligence has been applied to potential ecological damage by substantially modified organisms. That said I don't care for non-scientific objections, and I can see good things being destroyed by nutters.

An example of something I could completely get behind is the restoration of the American Chestnut, which was perhaps the greatest man made ecological disaster in North America. A fungus was introduced which wiped out virtually the entire species.

Reintroducing them requires GMO trees. Some fruitbag blocking this would be doing the wrong things for the wrong reason.


Oct 30, 2000
Guess those idiots should stop eating food all together. Everything we consume as humans has been genetically modified at some point in history. Selective breeding and cultivating IS genetically modifying through evolution another organism.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'm pro GMO, but I am very anti-Monsanto--their attempt to essentially patent the entire food stock of the world and all that.

It's always a tough subject for me to wrap my head around.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
I'm pro GMO, but I am very anti-Monsanto--their attempt to essentially patent the entire food stock of the world and all that.

It's always a tough subject for me to wrap my head around.

Yah, that patenting of genes is a pretty dangerous road to travel. Imagine if Monstanto or some other corporation got a sample of my blood. Suppose they found the gene that makes me and mine so attractive. What if they then began selling my attractive gene to other people so they could have good looking kids? How in the heck can that be legal? The gene came from me!! The corporation only identified the gene, they didn't CREATE it!!!


Feb 24, 2009
I'm really ambivalent about the GMO thing. I don't like not accepting things not based on science. I think that this path should tread very carefully and slowly.

My gut, yes, I don't like thinking with my gut, tells me to beware of unintended consiquences.


Mar 30, 2001
I'm really ambivalent about the GMO thing. I don't like not accepting things not based on science. I think that this path should tread very carefully and slowly.

My gut, yes, I don't like thinking with my gut, tells me to beware of unintended consiquences.

I agree with this sentiment, selective breeding to achieve an outcome is one thing. Actively modifying an organism at a genetic level is another and should be a route very cautiously traveled.


Jun 19, 2006
Guess those idiots should stop eating food all together. Everything we consume as humans has been genetically modified at some point in history. Selective breeding and cultivating IS genetically modifying through evolution another organism.

Selective breeding is not the same SB can happen naturally meaning the DNA was not modified outside of its natural place. If they could selective breed a plant to be resistant to round-up then I would have no problem. Outside of GMO I am just not sure that is even possible. I see that as a big difference and if science tells me it can be then I am good to go.

But, yes and no, I am on the fence like many. I would say hold off.