Shipping powders back and forth
Singing "black goes south and white comes north"
:awe: Seriously, and why do they switch?
well, the earth is filled with a conductive fluid in motion, so i guess it's possible for that fluid to slosh around until a threshold is reached where some upside-down fluid triggers a cascade of pole-flipping within the remaining fluid. either that, or magic.
It's not the electron orbitals aligning, but rather each electron's spin (which in itself is a misnomer, but that's fine).in magnets you have a bunch of atoms with electrons that tend to want to spin around the atom in a concentrated ring. these electrons spin around the atom and act like small currents. the magnetic field from a ring of current looks like a dipole. in a magnetic, you have a lot of these dipoles aligned such that they magnify the effect of the surrounding magnetic fields. there's no 'flipping', it's just the dipole nature of the fields.
Kids that attend magnet schools often wind up being bipolar.
A FUBAR magnet?This thread is already fluxed enough. :biggrin: