Machine is Sloooooow on memory count and doesn't boot all of the sudden???


Senior member
Jan 16, 2000
One of the machines I'm running right now has just started to have a strange problem. Before I start ripping it apart and swapping what parts I can I thought I'd see if anyone else has had this problem occur.

When you power on the computer it counts the memory really slow. It takes over a min. to count 128MB of RAM. After it gets done it takes forever to recognize the IDE devices. About 10 min. later it gets to the point where it should start to boot from the HD and just stops. It also won't boot from a floppy disk. I've had bad keyboards mess with the memory count before so I tried a different keyboard to no avail. The machine started up fine this morning and worked all day. I restarted it after it had been running for about 7 hours because it hard locked and this is what happened.

Any ideas before I start ripping it apart and switching out parts? Just thought if this had occured to anyone else it might give me a place to start and save me some time I don't have right now.

Tyan Trinity 400 MB
10GB Maxtor HD
AOpen PA3000 16MB Video (Vanta)
Realtek based 10/100 NIC

TIA for any advice.