A Acanthus Lifer Aug 28, 2001 19,915 2 76 ostif.org Apr 8, 2003 #1 title explains it all A10s, and F16s, Longbow Helicopters also in the area.
A Acanthus Lifer Aug 28, 2001 19,915 2 76 ostif.org Apr 8, 2003 #2 WHOA, CAMERA JUST GOT BOMBED!! That mustve been awful close. the camera just rattled then fell over, now another shot shows smoke coming from the area. Now the tanks are firing across the bridge.
WHOA, CAMERA JUST GOT BOMBED!! That mustve been awful close. the camera just rattled then fell over, now another shot shows smoke coming from the area. Now the tanks are firing across the bridge.
M Marshallj Platinum Member Mar 26, 2003 2,326 0 76 Apr 8, 2003 #3 I just saw the camera get shot off of there, lol I saw debris flying around and then the camera fell over.
I just saw the camera get shot off of there, lol I saw debris flying around and then the camera fell over.
A arcitech2 Member Apr 1, 2003 76 0 0 Apr 8, 2003 #4 Same pictures and commentary from embedded reporter on CNN