LSD story.. My neighbor (girl that's been raped) on LSD last night (It's LONG)


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
First of all, NEVER give a girl LSD. Second, never give anyone that's been traumatized before LSD. Third, might as well not ever even try LSD. This is my story from last night.

Despite some of my previous attempts at pointing out the benefits and potential fun of lsd, this thread is 100% against it. LSD is more powerful than any other drug. It causes the brain to act completely different. It can distort the lines between senses and cause the entire environment to be different. It can be fun; it can be hell.

It started with me being a lazy bum hanging out with my roomate's girlfriend when I get a knock on the door. It's my neighbor (I'm gonna call her Michelle, not her real name), a cute girl that's taller than me - a girl that I wanted until I realized her baggage (when I first met her). She's a nice girl - she's never mean, never loud, she'll even drink beer. She says, "Brandon, help me."

I knew right away that she took LSD. Her pupils and general trembling manner said BAD TRIP all over. I followed her back to her apartment to find my other neighbor (another girl - cool girl without baggage, call her Jill) and her boyfriend. Both had the same huge pupils. I made certain to keep a relaxed smile on my face (I've tripped before) and tried to keep all three of them happy. It seemed like they all decided to take it - but they didn't have plans as for what to do with themselves. They told me they were happy to have someone that wasn't tripping around them. Michelle was asking how to make the trip go away. I felt very bad for her. (A trip will not go away without time - usually 12-15 hours)

It was a terrible thing for Michelle to do - she's been raped more than once before. I knew that she had experienced some form of trauma - I thought it was a boyfriend issue. I thought I would be able to calm her down a bit. I suggested turning on the TV to watch a movie - take her mind off the crap she was thinking about.

But, things turned bad - really bad. Michelle started screaming hysterically. She shouted random names - then the name of her ex-boyfriend (whom she still sleeps with). She got louder and louder and ran outside. She attracted the attention of my other neighbor (call him Jon) who came out and tried to help calm her down (he has also tripped before). We live in an apartment building and her screams attracted a lot of people. Jon and I helped force her back inside and put her in her bed. She was frantically trying to take her clothes off the whole time - we tried to prevent her from doing that.

Michelle was now in a hysteria. She kept screaming things that were sexual in nature. She was completely naked now and laying on the living room floor in front of all of us. I could easily interpret what she was screaming about to be either something with her father or something with her ex-boyfriend. It was clear that she was raped - probably when she was very small. She kept asking why she was bleeding - she was not bleeding.

Then, she shouted another name - a person from her work. We called him over and he came promptly. He tried to calm her down and took her back to her bed. Meanwhile, I got the other two trippers to go back into Jill's room and told them to just stay quiet and lay down. Luckily, they listened. However, Jill was crying and very nervous.

Michelle's screams prompted one of our other neighbors to call 911. There was a knock on the door. It was the cops - the worst thing to ever happen to someone tripping. I decided to go outside to try to prepare them. It was weird. I ended up giving the cops a lecture on how LSD causes a person who's experienced some form of trauma to relive that trauma. I asked them if either one has done LSD before - neither had. I asked them to be as calm as possible because their presence could easily make things worse. It was weird, but they listened to me. They even waited for me to walk in and let the other two trippers know that the cops needed to walk in to check on Michelle. The other two trippers understood and they agreed to stay in the room. I told them that they would most likely not get in trouble if they just kept quiet and stayed there.

I also told the cops to leave them alone.. They replied that they were there just to help Michelle; not to cart people off to jail. I was relieved a little. So, I let the cops in. More cops showed up right then.

Then, two fire trucks and an ambulance showed up outside and the paramedics came running up the stairs with a stretcher. The paramedics started administering some form of sedative to naked Michelle. The cops, meanwhile, stood outside her door and made comments to themselves... comments like "I'd hit it." I was pissed.. but what the hell can I say to the cops? Though, at least they weren't planning on taking the other two to jail that night.

Now, Michelle was taken to the hospital and spent the night there. I spent a little bit more time with the other trippers - they were nervous, but quiet. They also agreed to just try to stay calm. It wasn't until 5:00am that I came home.

Anyway.. I talked to them today and they were completely down from the trip. Michelle, luckily, remembers nothing of that night. I hope none of us plan on reminding her.

Now, though, she'll need psychological counseling to deal with the issues that came out during her trip. I think she was raped by her father when she was small. I think she was later then raped by her ex-boyfriend. Her roomate (the other one that tripped) told me that Michelle had been raped before. Jill just didn't know who or when.

Jill's boyfriend might still end up getting charged for giving Michelle the lsd. He had no clue about what it could do.

I hope this gives you some idea of the terrible things that can happen. And if you plan to try it anyway, be prepared to be unprepared to handle the unforseen circumstances.


Sep 16, 2000
Holy Crap!!
I myself am a pretty experienced tripper. Bad trips = the suck.
Bad trips to people who havent trippe,d or dont know how to handle it = VERY BAD suck

I also advocate the use of LSD, to an extent. Anyways, sounds like you did the right thing, and did it well.
Congrats to you, insomuch as one can be congratulated for dealing with bad trips.

People sometimes just dont realize how damned powerful that drug is.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
yeah, bad trips are no fun... you have to really be prepared.. or it can turn bad.

That sounds really bad though, I feel sorry for her. Since it was her first time, she shouldn't have done so much.

It won't all be bad though. It's probably a good thing these things were brought up. They would come up sometime anyway, maybe now she will actually be on a road to dealing with them.. instead of just being screwed up for the rest of her life.

You never know.


Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2001
When someone gets on a bad trip, there's no telling what can happen. It's honestly not a bad idea to call 911 if it comes down to it. The paramedics aren't going to arrest anyone, they just want to make sure nobody gets hurt. However, the cops will create problems. Sounds like you're lucky to have had cops that weren't hell-bent on arresting someone.

But yeah...that's no good.


Oct 1, 2001
:Q Well never touched them and never will so didn't exactly know it would do something that bad... :( hope she's ok.


Feb 12, 2001
So, you and your friends are the ones that provide us w/ hours of entertainment on "COPS". You ever realize how moronic the people on that show are? At least you seem to have learned something from it, hopefully your friends will, too.


Sep 16, 2000
Thats also one reason i always hated tripping with new people. You never knew what was going to happen. Me and my crew, we could all handle about anything, but new people....You never knew....


Jan 11, 2001
damn this thread makes me never want to go past doing weed.

i also had a friend who had a bad trip, off of a lot of drugs. i wasn't there when it happened and it changed his life forever. he's technically insane.


Sep 16, 2000
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Why the hell would you do this to yourself voluntarily??

Simple. Explaing a good trip to someone who never has is like explaining a sunset to a blind person. You simply wouldnt understand.
A good trip is the best thing you will ever experience. Hands down.
A bad trip is probably the worst thing you'll ever experience. Hands down.

Some people gamble with a table, I gamble with my mind. ;)


Feb 26, 2001
Originally posted by: AznMaverick
whoa before this post, i never even heard of the word 'trip'. :Q

Don't worry, once you get into preschool you'll know everything there is to know about drugs ;).


Aug 17, 2000
I also had a friend long ago that never seemed to recover from doing an enormous amount of LSD(on a scale of about 40X what a normal person would do). What a waste of a good buzz to have to babysit people who don't know their limits.



Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
I'm sorry, I'm a nerd. First thing I saw was "LSD" and assumed it was "limited slip differential"...

Not to be a dick or anything, but she brought it upon herself for taking the drugs. The rape thing if messed up, but the drugs was her own doing.


Jan 22, 2003
hey shock let me get this straight

you need a drug to expand your mind ?

how lame

O how i cant stand drug addicts every time i read about a crack whore dead in a dumpster i think great one less
i love overdose i hope you all die with a needle in your arm

so you put a substance in your body that makes you not function properly ? great idea

drugs and open borders are ruining this country

if all 3 people in this story had died good


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2000
...not to mention how emotionally dangerous any hallucinogen is. She obviously didn't understand the possibilities, but any emotional turmoil going on in a persons life, be it as serious as this, or a fight with a good friend, can cause serious anxiety, fear, and OBSESSION on the WRONG things. Set and setting... Set and setting...

You did the right thing, though. Trying to talk someone down isn't easy. You're lucky that the cops played 'cool' because most wouldn't understand the severity of her state and what kind of mental distress they could have put her in.

The trip could have been aborted with a sedative or dissociative... surely, by the sounds of things, someone in that area would have had a ritalin, percocet, demerol, ANYTHING that would have brought her down. Paramedics would likely administer niacinamide or something similar.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2001
sorry to hear that

you seem like a good friend, most people wouldnt have delt with that at all


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: WalMart1564
hey shock let me get this straight

you need a drug to expand your mind ?

how lame

O how i cant stand drug addicts every time i read about a crack whore dead in a dumpster i think great one less
i love overdose i hope you all die with a needle in your arm

so you put a substance in your body that makes you not function properly ? great idea

drugs and open borders are ruining this country

if all 3 people in this story had died good
Please go troll in Hell. :disgust:
If anything is ruining this country, it is arrogant assholes who want to legislate all their little selfish desires and hates on everyone else. You realize that the "3 people in this story" are all must likely quite young, right? And you're wishing death on them? :|

Back on topic: people who suffer from anxiety, are still recovering from traumatic events, and/or have not reached a reasonable level of maturity should not take LSD.


Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2001
could these people have possibly put others in danger? i personally don't agree with people using drugs (whether it be weed, alcohol, etc.) when these drugs put people in a situation where others are in danger i hate drugs to a different, higher, degree and think people should be taught a good lesson. one that will permanently keep them from using drugs....


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: pillage2001
Call me stupid but what's LSD?? Some kinda drug that can make you high?? Is it even legal?
D-lysergic acid diethylamide, the most potent hallucinogenic substance known to man. It is a Schedule I drug, not legal.


Jan 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: WalMart1564
hey shock let me get this straight

you need a drug to expand your mind ?

how lame

O how i cant stand drug addicts every time i read about a crack whore dead in a dumpster i think great one less
i love overdose i hope you all die with a needle in your arm

so you put a substance in your body that makes you not function properly ? great idea

drugs and open borders are ruining this country

if all 3 people in this story had died good
Please go troll in Hell. :disgust:
If anything is ruining this country, it is arrogant assholes who want to legislate all their little selfish desires and hates on everyone else. You realize that the "3 people in this story" are all must likely quite young, right? And you're wishing death on them? :|

Back on topic: people who suffer from anxiety, are still recovering from traumatic events, and/or have not reached a reasonable level of maturity should not take LSD.

so your telling me that people with a reasonable level of maturity take lsd ? people who take lsd have not yet reached maturity when they get there they will not need drugs

"legislate all their little selfish desires and hates on everyone else" you know there is a reason that drugs are illegal THEY KILL PEOPLE
and im supposed to feel sorry for them? not gonna happen

yeah ide like to see how the constitution would have been if say the authors were on lsd

tell me what great contribution LSD has made to people ? what gift has crack given to the world ?
Ill tell you what they have done they eliminate people who are not even smart enough to avoid a substance that can kill them