Hi everyone,
having some troubles upgrading my graphics card.
I have a dell inspiron 530s (slimline). PSU is a mere 250w, seems impossible to upgrade. I bought a low-profile GT 440 1gb.
after installing the drivers and restarting, Windows failed. I uninstalled the drivers in safe mode.
the details of the full-sized card stated 300w, so I wrongly assumed the low-profile card would be the same: but this model needs 450w.
Is windows failing to start typical behaviour of the psu being too low to manage the new card?
I realise the obstacles with a dell 250w psu - but there is evidence of cards that need more than 250w being able to run.
some guidance would be greatly appreciated. many thanks.
having some troubles upgrading my graphics card.
I have a dell inspiron 530s (slimline). PSU is a mere 250w, seems impossible to upgrade. I bought a low-profile GT 440 1gb.
after installing the drivers and restarting, Windows failed. I uninstalled the drivers in safe mode.
the details of the full-sized card stated 300w, so I wrongly assumed the low-profile card would be the same: but this model needs 450w.
Is windows failing to start typical behaviour of the psu being too low to manage the new card?
I realise the obstacles with a dell 250w psu - but there is evidence of cards that need more than 250w being able to run.
some guidance would be greatly appreciated. many thanks.
2.20 gigahertz Intel Pentium Dual
64 kilobyte primary memory cache
1024 kilobyte secondary memory cache
64-bit ready
Multi-core (2 total)
3062 Megabytes Installed Memory