Low Level Format


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
Hi all
I was just wondering if there is diferent levels of low level formating.
If so, were do I get hold of the the soft ware for a western digital harddrive.
I have tried there lifeguard tools but I am wondering if there is any other levels of low level formating that might resurrect it.
It works but after a while of running it be comes corrupted again.
Thanks for any help you can give.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2004
Using the "lifeguard" tools for a western digital is the easiest way to perform a low level format. Sure, theres other software available for this .... but you'll more than likely have to pay for it. That doesn't make sense since its probably NOT your hard drive causing the problem.

File corruption is usually caused by an under performing power supply or a bad over clock. Over heating problems will sometimes cause it too. There are other causes, but they are far less common. I'd say we take a look at how your PSU is performing first. That is, unless you're an over clocker. If so, you may want move your settings back to stock.