Lots of questions about setting up a video surveillance system....


Oct 18, 2009
(I'm dropping this topic here because not sure where it really belongs. If a mod has a better idea where this topic should reside, please don't hesitate to move it. Thanks!!)

OK. Backstory is we inherited a working dog boarding kennel a few months ago that we're in the process of rehabing.

Now, when the season opens here on Cape Cod, we want 5 of the runs in the kennel open and working and under video surveillance. (The kennel is split into 5 runs per side, as seen in the pic below. The orange runs are the ones we'll have working while the yellow won't be working.)

Bad drawing of kennel:



Orange = Working kennel runs (#'s 1-5, 10)

Yellow = Closed kennel runs (#'s 6-9)

Greens = Front office, grooming/bathing/storage area, working space between kennel runs

We want to have cameras looking at the front office/desk/front door, two cameras focused on the kennel runs #1-5, and a camera focused on the gate leading to the outdoor portions of runs #1-5 (that gate is located to the left of the front office in the pic above by about 8 ft.).

I also want to be able to stream all the feeds to any of my networked computers. I currently have 5 computers in my network....3 desktops---1 on wired ethernet, 2 on wireless N, and 2 laptops---both wireless, one on G, one on N.

There will be a computer in the office that can assist in running the setup. It's not built yet, so can be built to whatever spec I need to run the Point Of Sale (POS) software for running the kennel plus take in the surveillance feeds and distribute them to the home network.

I also eventually will want to be able to add another gate camera (to a gate which will be approx. 8 ft. to the right of the building) and stream live the 2 interior kennel feeds for public viewing via the internet.

If this isn't too confusing.....any suggestions? Hardware, software?
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Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
I recall [thread=2202586]one other thread about security cameras[/thread] in this forum. It has a link to some software that's interesting; but I don't think I see anything about streaming.


Feb 6, 2002
Sometimes it might be advantageous to farm work like this out. You might want to at least get an estimate. Lots of factors involved. If you use wired cameras you have to buy cabling. Maybe wireless cameras might work. I would just look at security equipment suppliers of camera systems.