Originally posted by: heinz256
Will the LOTR trilogy be hd-dvd exclusive or will it come out for blu-ray as well??
Originally posted by: sdifox
meh, I got the 1080p off skyservice (well, someone did and I BTed them) of LOTR...
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
LOTR belongs to Universal, so if it comes out in HD it will be HD-DVD exclusive. With that said, Universal hasn't released much of their A-List catalog so it may not be released until the format war is resolved.
When it comes out on HD-DVD, it'll look even better than it ever thought possible on TNTHDOriginally posted by: purbeast0
Yah everytime this used to come on TNT, I would flip on TNT HD just to see how it looked.
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
LOTR belongs to Universal, so if it comes out in HD it will be HD-DVD exclusive. With that said, Universal hasn't released much of their A-List catalog so it may not be released until the format war is resolved.
Originally posted by: Homerboy
isnt LOTR New Line?
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Wrong, LOTR belongs to New Line Cinema, a subsidiary of Time Warner. New Line Cinema is one both four studios which supports both blu-ray and HD-DVD.
Originally posted by: Hyperlite
I wonder how an Upscaled DVD image would compare? i think its safe to say most of us are using Upscaling DVD players by now...
I used Photoshop to bicubically resample the DVD source images from 852x480 to match the 1920x1080 of the HD images. This page features the HD image sampled down to the DVD's resolution of 852x480. Surprisingly, even at DVD-resolution the HD source features more detail.
Originally posted by: Hyperlite
I wonder how an Upscaled DVD image would compare? i think its safe to say most of us are using Upscaling DVD players by now...