Original English Text:
Your mother is a snow blower
Translated to French:
Votre mère est un ventilateur de neige
Translated back to English:
Your mother is a ventilator of snow
Translated to German:
Ihre Mutter ist ein Entlüfter des Schnees
Translated back to English:
Their nut/mother is a breather of the snow
Translated to Italian:
Il loro nut/mother è uno sfiatatoio della neve
Translated back to English:
Them nut/mother are one sfiatatoio of the snow
Translated to Portuguese:
Nut/mother são um sfiatatoio da neve
Translated back to English:
Nut/mother is a sfiatatoio of the snow
Translated to Spanish:
Nut/mother es un sfiatatoio de la nieve
Translated back to English:
Nut/mother is sfiatatoio of the snow