lost HD


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2004
Well, I just lost my first WD HD. It was a 250 Gig and was about 6 months old. Worked fine last night, got up this morning and it didnt work. Oh well, its in the freezer now. Im going to try and salvage my data from it (which is pretty much just music and movies). Ive lost two Maxtor HDs before, but never a WD. Any thoughts on how long I should leave it in the freezer? Its wrapped up in saran wrap, three ziplock bags, and paper towels.

Ok, just tried the freezer method and it doesnt seem to work. The HD is making 10 small, quiet clicks followed by one loud click. Then it repeats. Any Ideas?


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Maybe software like OnTrack's or others. Search Google for data recovery software. Many have free tools that test your drive and tell you how much data can be retrieved before making you pony up the cash for the ful software. Of course, there is also the data recovery service option. Be prepared to pay. More likely than not, pay a lot.



Junior Member
Feb 13, 2004
After about three sets of clicks it stops spinning. Im not sure what kind of software can tell me what kind of data I can retrive. Im going to try the freezer method one more time before I contact WD for a RMA. Any help would be appreciated.