Lost Coast video problems (white snow)


Senior member
Jan 8, 2006
i currently have radeon 9800xt, athlon xp 2600, 1 gig of ram and i have directx 9c and the latest ati drivers and right on the first level of lost coast when i walk up to the gate that the fisherman guy opens tons of white snow show up all over the gate and other areas. i have a picture of it but no way of posting it here. anyone know why this happens. i had problems like this before in fear only it was red snow. any thoughts


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
There is someone else who had the same problem as you in the video forum. It's been a while back though. may want to do a search for it. I'm too lazy. Anyways, he/she may have found the answer to thier problem, I'm not sure. I Know I responded with a smart joking remark in it tho :p


Senior member
Jan 8, 2006
hmm ive been searching haven't found anything remotely close. will check back after class

some guy had a water problem

btw i found your smarta$$ remark here click


Senior member
Jan 8, 2006
Originally posted by: TSS
www.imageshack.us has free image hosting so you can upload your picture there.

have you tried the usual routine? updating drivers? cleaning off old ones? stability tests?

yep went through made sure everything was up to date etc... whats wierd is that it didn't happen until the guy gets real close to the fence. once he touches it white snow just starts showing up everywhere

i may uninstall drivers and switch over to ati omega drivers. always had better luck with them


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: dalearyous
Originally posted by: TSS
www.imageshack.us has free image hosting so you can upload your picture there.

have you tried the usual routine? updating drivers? cleaning off old ones? stability tests?

yep went through made sure everything was up to date etc... whats wierd is that it didn't happen until the guy gets real close to the fence. once he touches it white snow just starts showing up everywhere

i may uninstall drivers and switch over to ati omega drivers. always had better luck with them

'Snow' on objects is almost always the result of an overheating/unstable GPU core. It's having failures while rendering pixel shaders on the surfaces, which results in the colors getting all screwed up. Back off on any overclocking, and check that, say, your GPU fan is functioning. :p
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Matthias99
Originally posted by: dalearyous
Originally posted by: TSS
www.imageshack.us has free image hosting so you can upload your picture there.

have you tried the usual routine? updating drivers? cleaning off old ones? stability tests?

yep went through made sure everything was up to date etc... whats wierd is that it didn't happen until the guy gets real close to the fence. once he touches it white snow just starts showing up everywhere

i may uninstall drivers and switch over to ati omega drivers. always had better luck with them

'Snow' on objects is almost always the result of an overheating/unstable GPU core. It's having failures while rendering pixel shaders on the surfaces, which results in the colors getting all screwed up. Back off on any overclocking, and check that, say, your GPU fan is functioning. :p

yep snow is definately not good

though i thought snow artifacts were to do with memory? and the down right wierd beard shapes jutting around everywhere was the core overheating


Senior member
Nov 20, 2005
Half-Life 2's specularity messed up ever since the 64 bit patch. This only affects those on a 32bit OS and the Source games that do not run on 64bit. HDR somewhat stops the problem, except water ends up dark and doesn't reflect as much as it used to. If you play through any Source game you'll also notice any texture that has specularity is much shinier than before. VALVe messed something up when they patched Source to support 64bit.



Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
yep snow is definately not good

though i thought snow artifacts were to do with memory? and the down right wierd beard shapes jutting around everywhere was the core overheating

In my experience it's exactly the opposite. :confused:

I can definitely get my card to the point where everything renders OK except for games/tests that use heavy pixel shaders, and at that point I get 'snow' on anything that's using heavy shaders. Backing down the core clock gets rid of it.

OCing the memory too far gives me a jumbled mess.

Best I can figure is that memory errors screw up *everything* (including geometry, which is why you get weird shapes and rendering errors in everything), but if the core is slightly unstable, the shaders tend to take the brunt of it, resulting in miscalculated color values on surfaces using pixel/vertex shaders.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2006
yeah something wrong with the video card would only make sense. i have been having wierd performance issues. i was hosting LAN game of AoE3 with 2 other friends and the game ran like ******. i had my friend who has slower computer host it and everything went smooth. but don't get caught up in that, ive tested memory, cpu, HDs etc... nothing wrong.

ALSO I JUST REMEMBERD, if you go to quicktime.com to watch movie trailers i loaded a high def trailer at 720p and the video was not smooth at all. however on my little centrino vaio it works perfectly

and yes the fan is working just fine, i have never OC'd the card


Senior member
Jan 8, 2006
yikes omega drivers are telling me the video card is 80 celsius, if thats right something is broken. i checked the fan again and its running and i have a window fan right next to video card it can't be that hot

btw, i kept playing the game and after a while i could see through buildings and certain walls and graphical planes weren't showing up. it was wierd