Anyone catch 20/20 last night? (i think it was 20/20, it might have been dateline)
erroneous liberal accusations
This thread, bashing liberal Judges, was addressed. It turns out they wanted to know how such an evil perp could have been released.
The author of this threaed accused liberal judges of letting him off, but the truth was 180 degrees opposite.
It turns out that he was in a mental institution, sentenced to 20 years. During his incarceration, he, along with two other sexual predators, supposedly found God. Oh, he walked and talked it... he carried a bible around, and quoted scripture to everyone. Two psychiatrists who worked at the institution, and who were both ministers (i.e. religious right), bought into their charade. They petitioned the judges to release the three, since they were model prisoners, bible thumpers, and no longer a danger to society since they found "Jesus".
Well, the court followed the recommendations of the psychiatrists, and released all three. All three are back in prison, on charges ranging from sexual assault to murder, all because a couple of religious right conservatives believed their own garbage.
The fault here hangs with the psychiatrists who let their own religious right beliefs cloud good judgement, not with the judges themselves, who were obliged to follow the recommendations of the psychiatrists.
One of the perps last night admitted that they carried the bibles around with them because that was where they kept their smuggled pictures of little boys.
No liberals at fault here. Just more misguided religious right crap. All of you people who blame liberals for everything had better straighten up. The world around you is much more complicated than it appears, obviously.
I know I have been deeply offended by the liberal bashing that goes on around here, and especially from a few of you out there (who I shall not name... yet). Not only is it misguided and incorrect, it does nothing to address the real problems.
Bottom line: Grow up.