Losers and Liberal bashing


Senior member
Jan 9, 2001

Anyone catch 20/20 last night? (i think it was 20/20, it might have been dateline)

erroneous liberal accusations

This thread, bashing liberal Judges, was addressed. It turns out they wanted to know how such an evil perp could have been released.

The author of this threaed accused liberal judges of letting him off, but the truth was 180 degrees opposite.

It turns out that he was in a mental institution, sentenced to 20 years. During his incarceration, he, along with two other sexual predators, supposedly found God. Oh, he walked and talked it... he carried a bible around, and quoted scripture to everyone. Two psychiatrists who worked at the institution, and who were both ministers (i.e. religious right), bought into their charade. They petitioned the judges to release the three, since they were model prisoners, bible thumpers, and no longer a danger to society since they found "Jesus".

Well, the court followed the recommendations of the psychiatrists, and released all three. All three are back in prison, on charges ranging from sexual assault to murder, all because a couple of religious right conservatives believed their own garbage.

The fault here hangs with the psychiatrists who let their own religious right beliefs cloud good judgement, not with the judges themselves, who were obliged to follow the recommendations of the psychiatrists.

One of the perps last night admitted that they carried the bibles around with them because that was where they kept their smuggled pictures of little boys.

No liberals at fault here. Just more misguided religious right crap. All of you people who blame liberals for everything had better straighten up. The world around you is much more complicated than it appears, obviously.

I know I have been deeply offended by the liberal bashing that goes on around here, and especially from a few of you out there (who I shall not name... yet). Not only is it misguided and incorrect, it does nothing to address the real problems.

Bottom line: Grow up.



Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001
I hate liberals. They are always posting crap like this. So are the conservatives. I hate them too. And I won't even get in to the middle of the road people! ;)

I agree, people who let religious feelings, whether liberal or conservative, get in the way of something serious like this without investigating all of the facts, are wrong. Period.


May 31, 2000
Let me point out a few flaws in your story. First when a person is sent to a mental institution, there can be no predetermined number of years set by the judge. Second them being model patients is a good enough reason to let them out whether they were psuedo-religious or not, once a person can display that they are not incapacitated by their disease they are to be released. The mental institution does not take their "crime" into consideration whatsoever. If you need to place blaim, then it is with the judge or jury that found them not guilty by reason of insanity, or the state psychiatrist that did the evaluation on them before their original trial.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Heh. Here is an opinion from a 'middle of the road' person... :D

People hide behind masks... sometimes they take conservative forms, sometimes they take liberal forms. Anyone who believes otherwise will eventually end up a victim.

I've seen first hand what happens when sexual predators pose as "Good Christians". I break into a sweat around "Youth Pastors". While I am certain there are many who truly are good, once you have been the victim of such a monstrosity you are scarred for life.

Be on your guard at all times. Teach your children to be aware of the world around them. Don't assume that because a person seems nice, they are 'ok'.


Senior member
Jan 9, 2001

I dont make the stories, I just repeat them.

These three were locked up. They found "jesus" in the institution. They convinced two psychiatrists who were ministers that they were reformed. The ministers petitioned the judges. The judges accepted the testimony of the minstes/psychiatrists, and release three dangerous sexual predetors on the public. All three predators are back in prison with charges ranging from sexual assault to murder.

AaronP said it was liberal judges who were at fault. But the story is more complex than that (too complex for your average conservative, who likes his world black and white). The fault lies with psychiatrists who let their ministry get in the way of their profession. Religious right whackos who equate finding "jesus" with being good people.



Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000
Being ministers doesn't by default make them religious right, there's a religious left as well.

Furthermore, is it your assertion then that if the psychiatrists weren't religious they would've known that the inmates religious beliefs were a fallacy?


May 31, 2000
Kosugi: you arent getting it. Regardless of what religious or political faction they belonged to, the psychiatrists are supposed to recommend release for anyone who can display that they have their disease under control. My guess is that these guys never had a disease at all, therefore the blaim falls on the people who bought their story to begin with.


Senior member
Jan 9, 2001

Actually that is my point. It had nothing to do with liberals at all. Just a couple of psychiatrists who admit to being duped.

I'm just so mad at people who when they hear something reprehensible like this, they immediately assume a liberal is at fault.

I wanted to point out, in as troll-like way as I can (hey, I'm 58, I can't troll like a 25 year old, it is just unnatural for me), that blaming liberals for all the worlds ills is mistaken.

AaronP, 65gt500, Tominator, AndrewR, and the list goes on, jump to conclusions too quickly. I'm just tired of hearing their pedantic banter, and tried to give some of it back.

Liberals aren't the source of all evil in the world... Jesse Helms is! ;)


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2001
The fault lies in how our prisons and judicial systems are letting these people loose on the streets. Perhaps the catalyst was a pair of naive psychiatrists, but it was the judicial system (liberal or consertative, makes no difference) that let them out. If someone is senteced to a term in prison, he/she should serve every last second of it. Anymore, prisons are resorts with bars. Libraries, cable TV, excercise facilities, etc. Not that anyone would want to go there, what with all the other bad stuff, but these are perks paid for by taxpayers for people who BROKE the laws of society. Many common, LAW ABIDING citizens cannot even afford these types of things, yet the scum of society is awarded these privileges for disregarding the laws of society.

Yeah, that is balanced. :|:|:|:|:|


Oct 9, 1999

<< But the story is more complex than that (too complex for your average conservative, who likes his world black and white). The fault lies with psychiatrists who let their ministry get in the way of their profession. Religious right whackos who equate finding &quot;jesus&quot; with being good people. >>

You've just launched yourself into the hallowed ranks of hypocrisy. What's that I hear? Your credibility disappearing?

<< I'm just tired of hearing their pedantic banter, and tried to give some of it back. >>

Yes, please keep giving back in this manner because all you succeed in doing is undermining whatever point you might have been trying to make. It's nice not having to bother answering crap like this. Thanks.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001

Thankyou Kosugi.... enough of the damn liberal bashing it's getting old...



Jan 30, 2001

<< No liberals at fault here. Just more misguided religious right crap. All of you people who blame liberals for everything had better straighten up. The world around you is much more complicated than it appears, obviously. >>

You have lived 58 years and have not figured out yet that Christians run the entire spectrum of political belief from communist to facist? Just because they were Christians it does not follow that they are automatically right wingers. As for conservative vs liberal they are nothing more than caricatures that substitute for reasoned response in a debate IMHO.


Senior member
Jun 2, 2000
This is ridiculous. Kosugi actually has a point and people are pointing out at his rhetoric? The fact that once a mental person is deemed healthy and released is understandable. You don't want Federal money to pay for longer stays, let alone paying for them. Using religion to fake one's way out is something else. Psychiatrists' judgement is under question. Is being religious guarantees your sanity? Start wondering Ashcroft's bible study sessions, which he loudly endorses. You make the call.


Jan 30, 2001

<< This is ridiculous. Kosugi actually has a point and people are pointing out at his rhetoric? >>

He is making his point by making the same erroneous assumptions he is accusing others of making. His complaint is that the original thread automatically assumed that the judges and others involved in this case were &quot;liberals&quot;. He then goes on to assume that the 2 psychiatrists involved are &quot;right wingers&quot; solely because they are Christian.

<< The fact that once a mental person is deemed healthy and released is understandable. You don't want Federal money to pay for longer stays, let alone paying for them. Using religion to fake one's way out is something else. Psychiatrists' judgement is under question. Is being religious guarantees your sanity? >>

The psychiatrists judgement should be in question and it really had nothing to do with liberals or conservatives at all. I doubt the money was an issue whatsoever.

<< Start wondering Ashcroft's bible study sessions, which he loudly endorses. You make the call. >>

John Ashcroft from what I read has a small morning prayer session which other like minded people attend. No one is forced to attend these sessions. You seem to be mistaking freedom of religion with freedom from religion.


Golden Member
Aug 13, 2000

<< People hide behind masks >>

&quot;We all wear masks, metaphorically speaking...&quot;


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2000
I agree with you, Kosugi, that trying to pin the tradgedy on &quot;liberals&quot; is unfair and not accurate at all.

But I am amazed and disgusted by the immediate turn around to then blame it on &quot;Christians&quot;.

Who do I see at fault here? Psychopaths and people with poor judgement skills.


Feb 8, 2001
The liberals allowed these scumbags to go to a mental asylum instead of prison. The fault lies there, plain and simple.