Lord of the Rings: THe Third Age


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2001
i'm thinking about getting LOTR 3rd Age

i read the IGN and Gamespot reviews, which say the game is good, but not really made for veteran RPG players.

they say it's a watered-down FFX and that there's no character development at ALL, though the story is good.

anyone play this one yet?


Oct 24, 2000
It looks awesome. it's on my christmas list, as I dont have time to play it right now with all the other crap coming out (HL2 & H2 specifically)


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Smoke0
Its Lord of the Rings.What more do you need to know.Get it for x-mas.:)


very true.

but i don't wanna shell out 50 beans so i can breeze through the game in a couple days, u know?


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: GuybrushThreepwood
Originally posted by: Smoke0
Its Lord of the Rings.What more do you need to know.Get it for x-mas.:)


very true.

but i don't wanna shell out 50 beans so i can breeze through the game in a couple days, u know?

I gotcha. I hear Star Ocean is supposed to be REALLY long... it's on 2 dvds


Feb 5, 2001
I picked it the other day when it came out. Ive put about 5 hours into the game so far. Overall, I dont like it. Heres what I think of it so far.

Graphics, at times they are down right beautiful and at other times looks pretty bad. The animation for when you do normal attacks and basic things is really bad, but when you do special moves or spells it looks fantastic. The spells and special moves are by far the coolest looking thing in the game so far.

Sound, its good, I dont care for the new characters voice overs too much but it works. Gandof being the narrator is cool. One thing weird though is that this game plays espeically loud when you put it in and are forced to lower the volume to adjust to it otherwise its just too loud.

Controls are ok, but the camera pisses me off to no end. Its very very sensative, like you tap the analog stick and it whips around. The battle system is pretty straight forward and easy to understand for pretty much anyone.

The story itself seems intriguing to some extent but at the sametime you keep thinking, this would be so badass if I was the actual fellowship group. It is as linear as can be with no explorering nearly. You dont buy/sell items either, everything you get from treasure chest or from enemies you kill. So it cuts out the whole saving cash for xxxx item which is nice and moves the game along better.

It is a decent game, just I myself can not get into it. I knew what to expect going into it (linear and easy rpg) but it just didnt really draw me in, and the camera really really kept distracting me a lot. That is my single biggest gripe is that camera.

Any questions I will try and answer best I can. I bought it for the Xbox if that matters as well.



Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2001
thanks for the heads up, Kao.

i think i'll wait and see if it becomes a Greatest Hit and get it for 20 beans


Feb 6, 2000
From what I've read in the past could days looks like this is another game where half and half will like it. I've seen just as many ppl like as ppl who don't care much for it. Kinda like Doom III alot of ppl thought it was good alot didn't like it at all.

I guess this is one of those titles you have to rent first.

Kao could you tell me what the main characters mission is in this game? I mean is he the one thats taking the ring to the mountain/volcano? Don't really want any spoilers if thats possible. Seems like this game would have been much better if you were actually Frodo and Sam to start off with. Also alot of ppl are complaining about there not being no shops or interaction with ppl. But they fail to realize the movies didn't have shops and stuff where Frodo/Sam could just stop for a bite or drink. So it makes sense.


Feb 5, 2001
From what I have gathered so far with the story, I really dont know what is going on yet. Mainly at the start an elf chick saves your Gordorian ass, then you follow her back in the woods and run into a Ranger that tags along with you guys. Thats pretty much all I can say without spoilers but thats all the story has opened to me so far. I wont be playing the game anymore as I am going to trade it in at my job for what I paid for it and just break even.

If the game was just an RPG of you playing the fellowship throughout their travel it would have been awesome, espeically if they fixed that horrible camera.
