Lord of the Rings: Conquest


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Video - I think you get the idea

New twist. Most of the LOTR games have been action-adventure or RTS. I don't think we've had a massive medevil fantasy FPS/TPS with a largish online multi-player component.

wiki entry


There will be both a Good and a Evil campaign, varying greatly in storyline.[1] The Good Campaign begins at the Battle of the Last Alliance as a training stage , and continues with loosely-based settings from the films, such as the Battle of Isengard as an Ent, Gandalf fighting Saruman at the Tower of Isengard, battling the Balrog in the Mines of Moria, battling the Nazgûl as Faramir while protecting Frodo, and fighting inside Minas Morgul.[1] The Evil Campaign begins immediately in an alternate universe, where the Nazgûl have just killed Frodo and stopped him from destroying the One Ring. Players will have the chance to fight as Oliphaunts at Minas Tirith, as Trolls at Helm's Deep, as the Balrog, as the Nazgûl against Aragorn at Weathertop, against the Shire, and lastly, as Sauron himself against Rivendell.[1]


Competitive multiplayer modes include conquest, capture the flag, hero deathmatch, which all come from the Battlefront engine, and also, Ring Bearer, where Frodo will take on the Ringwraiths.[1] Up to four players may play on one system, and up to sixteen online, such as Playstation Network.[1] Cooperative mode is available for up to four players both online and splitscreen.[1]