newegg is all out of the patriot Torqx (have been since black friday), and they want $100 more for the vertex. seems everywhere i look i see vertex drives selling for $100-200 more than the torqx or other similar alternatives, and i cant find supertalent drives in stock anywhere.
long story short, my 500GB Barracuda that i got for storage back in 2006 is almost completely full (yay porn), as is my 150GB Vraptor im using for my boot drive (yay games). now, i have 2 1TB Spinpoint f1 drives i bought last summer with the intent to replace my 500gb drive with them in RAID1, but i managed to fill up my Vraptor and so i retasked them as RAID0 storage for a single app that took up more space than anything else on my disk (a good 35gb at the time). happens to be a game which i keep the live version of as well as a test server version of (Everquest2), so keeping both takes double space, and the game has a lot of loading and disk thrashing if you dont put it on a fast drive. i was planing to replace my vraptor with an SSD and toss the vraptor in my secondary comp as a boot drive since it doesnt need as much space, but i have been putting it off. i went to do my monthly storage roundup yesterday and noticed that my 500gb drive was dangerously low on space for my liking, with nothing free to delete, and so i went to finally order my 250gb SSD, to find none in stock anywhere for what i was expecting to pay. of course, there's plenty for over $100 more, but i dont want to pay $100 more when i could spend that money on a 1tb caviar black to go with my F1s for RAID5 instead. if someone could find a place which has one of these indilinx drives in stock for $740 or less i will be very happy. as it stands everyone is out of stock, and the one place i found that has any is some place that has an "open but unused" box of an OCZ vertex for sale on amazon, which im less than trusting of.
also, if you can find a 120/128gb drive for $350 or less before mail in rebate, i might consider making it worth your while :awe:, got a new laptop i want to stick one in as a boot drive but i dont wanna pay for a second 250 just yet when i have hardly used the thing for much so far lol
long story short, my 500GB Barracuda that i got for storage back in 2006 is almost completely full (yay porn), as is my 150GB Vraptor im using for my boot drive (yay games). now, i have 2 1TB Spinpoint f1 drives i bought last summer with the intent to replace my 500gb drive with them in RAID1, but i managed to fill up my Vraptor and so i retasked them as RAID0 storage for a single app that took up more space than anything else on my disk (a good 35gb at the time). happens to be a game which i keep the live version of as well as a test server version of (Everquest2), so keeping both takes double space, and the game has a lot of loading and disk thrashing if you dont put it on a fast drive. i was planing to replace my vraptor with an SSD and toss the vraptor in my secondary comp as a boot drive since it doesnt need as much space, but i have been putting it off. i went to do my monthly storage roundup yesterday and noticed that my 500gb drive was dangerously low on space for my liking, with nothing free to delete, and so i went to finally order my 250gb SSD, to find none in stock anywhere for what i was expecting to pay. of course, there's plenty for over $100 more, but i dont want to pay $100 more when i could spend that money on a 1tb caviar black to go with my F1s for RAID5 instead. if someone could find a place which has one of these indilinx drives in stock for $740 or less i will be very happy. as it stands everyone is out of stock, and the one place i found that has any is some place that has an "open but unused" box of an OCZ vertex for sale on amazon, which im less than trusting of.
also, if you can find a 120/128gb drive for $350 or less before mail in rebate, i might consider making it worth your while :awe:, got a new laptop i want to stick one in as a boot drive but i dont wanna pay for a second 250 just yet when i have hardly used the thing for much so far lol