Wow that's pretty nice deal. I work with these hp laserjet 1012 printers daily and I love them. I think I'm going to have to buy myself one at that price.
I'll just point out some things about this printer though. This printer is a USB only printer, therefore it will not work in DOS or Windows 95 or NT4 or Windows 98 First Edition since those operating systems don't have usb printing support natively. There are mainly two issues with these printers, both of which are easily solved or can be avoided. This printer uses a host-based driver. The host-based drivers mean that these drivers must be designed specifically for the operating system because it depends on the host OS to do some data processing before sending the data to printer unlike other hp laserjet printers which support pcl (printer command language).
1) Sometimes, the PCL5e drivers get installed. If these pcl5e are installed, every once in a while the printer will print out a PCL XL error message of some sort. This printer was not designed to support PCL. These drivers were placed on the cd for testing purposes only (for techs) and imho, they should have never been placed on the CD. That would cut down on 33% of the problems we have with this printer. Simply reinstall the drivers and select the hostbased drivers located in the ENGLISH\DRIVERS\..OS..\HB directory.
2) Sometimes the autorun installer falters with a 'severe error' message or other miscellanous errors. With 99% of the time, I can disable any anti-virus or firewall and clear temporarity files and try the autorun installer from the cd again. Before trying the autorun installer, the recommended thing to do this is to click on Start>Run>msconfig and select selective startup and then uncheck load startup items. Then apply it, close, and restart the pc. Then run a search for *.tmp files on your system (start>search>all files&folder>*.tmp) and delete them. Also clear the temp files in these directories: \windows\temp & \windows\prefetch . Any old installer files may conflict with the hp installer so that's why we need to clear these files. Also we can try going into the device manager and deleting the usb printing support listed under Universal Serial Bus Controllers and deleting and devices listed under something starting with DOT4 or IEEE1284.4 (windows xp only).
If all these methods fail, then a manual installation of the print drivers can be done. By the way, if at any point during the installation the printer asks for the path to find the driver, just type in D:\HW assuming D is the drive the laserjet installation cd is located.
Okay, well I'm off to visit OfficeMax's website. There are just some things LaserJets can do better than InkJets. I would like to be able to print out my resume and have it not smear if I accidently spill water on it or the rain gets to it.