NewsPro is a CGI/Perl script used to update a news page on a Web site. Some of its features include:
Easy install & configuration (done via the Web).
Supports multiple users and secure login via "cookies".
Easy to change the way your news looks, via a web-based configuration form.
News is written to a text file, instead of generated dynamically; safer and more secure
Ability to quickly remove or edit previously posted news. Optionally users can only have permission to remove/edit their own posts.
Auto-deletion of old news (optional)
Auto-archiving of old news (optional; either in a single file or monthly archives)
Built-in e-mail news list functionality.
Includes full online help.
Display a list of new or recently modified pages on your site along with your news.
Users can search through news.
Optionally show users only news posted since their last visit.
Possible to add your own news fields fairly easily.
Simple interface (with the same style and colours as this page).