Looking for itunes/WMP visualization SS


Junior Member
Sep 19, 2003
In itunes there's this function that makes the visualizations (which are INSANELY trippy) play as a screensaver even when there's no music playing.

I'm looking for a screensaver that does the same thing, or a screensaver for Windows Media Player that can turn the visualizations into a screensaver type deal like the itunes. Any help is much appreciated.

silent tone

Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, I don't know any plugin that can do that specifically. It could be done with a screensaver that you can set to run an arbitrary program. I'm sure somebody has written one of those, somewhere.

AFAIK, the windows media player vis. require music playing to animate, so you'd need to mute it if you just want the visualization. In winamp, most vis. require music too, on those that do, you'd need to do the same.