>are the geforce series cards that much worse in 2D than ati or matrox
I use a Geforce2 MX at 1280 by 960 on a 19" monitor. Anything higher and
the writing is too small with the large fonts. I have used larger fonts, but that puts less on the screen, plus using non-standard size fonts results in cut-off text in dialog boxes and titles in quite a few programs, with no scroll bars to get to the text. With my Matrox G400 the text was noticeably sharper. It's OK now though, and not hard to read, just a little soft. The slight softening has a beneficial effect on pictures, which look prettier IMO. I understand people who do graphic editing, especially professionally, want accuracy - not prettiness, but pretty is fine with me.
On monitors larger than 19" and resolutions over 1280 by 960, Matrox really had no equal in a consumer-priced product.
Games are OK on the G400, and not jerky, but the newest stuff is a little too demanding if you want to use them for all the detail you can get.
The G400 and G450 can be had for around $100. Too bad they don't make a PCI
version, and you could have both a G400 and Geforce2 installed. Better yet, they could make a pass through, like on the original 3DFx Voodoo, and you could use one monitor.