Looking for the movie "Stealth Bomber" by John Carpenter. It stars Kurt Russell.
reason I am looking is one of my favorite bands (65daysofstatic) did the soundtrack for the movie, and I kinda want to see it and see how their music fits with film.
So far no luck
Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/65_days_of_static
edit: Here is a sample of their music; 65daysofstatic - A Massive Star at the end of its Burning Cycle
reason I am looking is one of my favorite bands (65daysofstatic) did the soundtrack for the movie, and I kinda want to see it and see how their music fits with film.
So far no luck
Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/65_days_of_static
The band was originally formed in 2001 as a three-piece, consisting of Joe-Fro, Paul Wolinski, and Iain Armstrong (bass guitar) to provide the soundtrack for the unreleased and little known John Carpenter film 'Stealth Bomber' starring Kurt Russell. The film was set over '65 Days of Static' a period of time after some unknown global breakdown in communications and infrastructure, from which 65daysofstatic took their name.
edit: Here is a sample of their music; 65daysofstatic - A Massive Star at the end of its Burning Cycle