Looking for Aigo


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Just as my title states I was told to speak to Aigo and only Aigo to setup a cooling system for 5k build.

Here is the post that stated to only speak to him
Its on the 2nd page 2nd post down.

So I am getting an I7 core system 12 gigs of ram tri sli 280 gtx blah blah blah you get the point. I am looking for the best (within reason) cooling system that I can get. I will be doing a ton of overclocking with this system I will be pushing it to the limits.

I will probably be goin with the

1. Evga x58 motherboard (theres only 1)
2. Intel core I7 extreme edition 965 Nehalem (I want to hit at least 5 ghz over clock)
3. 3 x xfx 280 gtx 1g per card
4. [{ram G.skill 6GB (3 x 2gb) Timing 8 8 8 21, 1600} x 2] I want this one because of timing on ram is a bit lower then other ram. Depending on rating that G.skill gets
5. Thermaltake Toughpower 1200w (tri Sli certified)
6. HDD = 1. Intel SSD (2. 2 x velo 300 g drive 3. 2 x 1T cavalier) = raid
7. Thermaltake armor series Full tower case w 5 fans.

Ok I think this is all the information you will need to help me setup a killer cooling system. I would like to setup a liquid cooling system for the cpu and the graphics cards. If the price doesnt get to out of control. I am willing to spend around 500-600 bucks. A little more if you think it will help me improve lifespan or performance of my new cpu. I was also thinking about liquid cooling for my ram.

Well thats about it Aigo or someone else of his knowledge if you could respond I would be very greatful.

Ps please leave out all the stupid comments about wasting money I dont wanna hear it. I have money to burn so I am g oin to burn it even if people think I'm making a stupid choice.

EDIT: forgot to add im also looking to cool my northbridge on the motherboard


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
I cant find any info on core I7 liquid cooling systems. thats why I'm asking for help. the guild he made is awesome but its not for everyone I'm looking for specific help with a very expensive build. I want the best of the best for 600 or less.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
uhhh... how much have you set aside for just the watercooling? (objective? Silence? Max overclock?)

2-loops manditory with that hardware.... the case is gonna need to be fairly large...

Any particular reasons why your going with eVGA?

The i7 is so new, that i havent had time to even get custom mounts made for my waterblocks, so i cant really point you to the best right now... maybe in a month...

In short, when i had the i7 system, i was bound by so much tape and NDA i couldnt even get my custom builders to see it.

So, if you can afford time, let me finish my setup. I just got my board done, and my custom mounts should all come in soon.


i went the p6T-Deluxe route because of the OC PALM.

If you want my honest advice, id grab the gigabyte unless your budget is fairly large.... And if it is, then i recomend you contacting my custom builder and having him make you a set of my custom blocks for the asus p6t-deluxe and grab that board instead.



Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
I was told the evga was one of the best. I was orignally goin with the asus rampage. the 400 dollar one. I decided against that one and went with the evga. Whats the difference between the evga asus p6t and the gigabyte


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
I looked up both asus motherboard and they dont have tri sli. or they dont allow for the gtx 280. I may be wrong but I dont think I am. So what motherboard do I want if I plan on doing tri sli 280 gtx has to have raid and has to be able to overclock well

brake it down

motherboard has to have

1. tri sli 280 gtx
2. Raid setup 2 different raids
3. Overclocks well.

I just looked at the gigaybyte and the last pciexpress slot hangs over the inputs. so I wont be able to place another graphics card there. I would like that card though becasue I have access to a other expansion bays.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Motherboard breakdown. Please double check my info
Newegg products highest to lowest

1. Asus Rampage 3rd pci express slot will sit over needed inputs. Also I was told this one was not sli. Not sure If that was true

2. Msi Eclipse Is 3 sli but same thing the last pci express slot if I place the gtx 280 in then I will hang over inputs

3. Asus p6t deluxe/oc palm 2 pci express slots places right next to eachother can place 2 gtx 280 in there.

4. Gigabyte Extreme Same thing last pci express slot hangs over inputs. So dont know if I can use this one

5. Asus P6t deluxe 2 pci express slots right next 2 eachother not enough room for 2 gtx 280

Overview so far

1,2, 4 hang over inputs

3,5 have pci express slots right next to eachother

I really like the 2,4 So far and Kinda a fan of 1

6. Gigabyte ga ex58 ud5 Last pci express card will sit over inputs

7. Foxconn Dont know the name So im not even goin to look at it. unless someone with alot of knowledge tells me other wise

8. Intel Not 3 sli so I dont care

9. Gygabyte GA-EX58-DS4 Same thing as last 2 gyg motherboard if I place a 3rd pci express card in it will sit over some inputs.

10. Msi Platinum Not triple sli so Im not goin to worry about it right now

11. Evga (my baby) favorite company 3 pci express slots will not sit over any other connection. Not in stock.

Ok 2nd set overview

6,9 sit over connections on motherboards

7 8 10 Not triple sli So they dont matter

Final reviews.

My favorite is 11 after that 2 or 4 possibly 1. Other then that the rest suck for what i am looking for.

11. Evga Product page http://www.evga.com/products/m...y=Motherboard%20Family

2. MSI Product page http://www.msicomputer.com/pro...l=Eclipse_SLI&class=mb

4. Gigabyte extreme Product Page http://www.gigabyte-usa.com/Pr...ec.aspx?ProductID=2960

So the overhang where number 2 and 4 hang over inputs. How do I tell if those imputs are important or if I can sneak a cable underneath to fit in. Basically I wanna make sure That If i need them I can get to them but if I dont need them then I d ont care.

Sorry this is teh best way I could think to lay this out I hope it wasnt confusing

ok btryb529 what is TOE card.

Ok so after all that Which motherboard out of 11 2 4 would be best for triple sli gaming performance. Thats even if I can use 2 and 4 since they overhang.

I just did a little bit more investigating and the gigabyte board comes with a liquid cooling for the north bridge. you can swap it out for a normal fan and heatsink which it comes with. it will use up a pci slot but doesnt affect tri sli
Nov 26, 2005
TCP/IP Offload Engine

One thing is for sure if you H20 cool is use all the same material blocks e.g. copper, aluminum etc. Copper is the best.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2007
I had one of these threads back in the day.

With 3 GPUs and a Core i7, you're going to probably need 2 watercooling loops to handle the heat output.

The best of the best is going to cost you more than 600, but a good one would be:

CPU Block: Swiftech Apogee GTZ w/ 1366 Mounting Plate
GPU Blocks: EK-FC280 GTX Full Cover GPU Blocks
SLI barbs and 1/2 OD barbs (with correct threads) I use EK Barbs
Iwaki RD-20 Pump for your GPU loop and a Swiftech 655 Vario/Laing D5 Vario for the CPU/NB
Swiftech MCW30 for chipsets (possibly) and the equivalent mosfet coolers if they exist.
EK-150 Rev 2 Reservoirs or Swiftech MicroRes
7/16" Tubing (Tygon or Masterkleer)
Thermochill PA 120.3 Radiator for your GPU's and a Swiftech MCR220 for your CPU.

That's well over your 600 budget. You're going to need a lot more if you want to watercool your GPU's. Otherwise, just stick with your CPU. There's also the D-Tek Fuzion2 for your CPU.
I have a similar setup that I got based on Aigo's suggestions and it is the best of the best.

Good Luck to you.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
where do you get Swiftech Apogee GTZ w/ 1366 Mounting Plate and does this work with most liquid cooling systems.

and still which motherboard would be best for gaming out of the theree I mentioned


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2005
Originally posted by: alanwest09872
I looked up both asus motherboard and they dont have tri sli. or they dont allow for the gtx 280. I may be wrong but I dont think I am. So what motherboard do I want if I plan on doing tri sli 280 gtx has to have raid and has to be able to overclock well

Mmmm.... Personally I would skip on the Tri-SLI and just go with normal SLI and then get a PCI-Raid Card.


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
Have you some idea of the location for your rad(s)? To repeat what Aigo said you will need a bigger boat! (sorry, just watched a thing on sharks,,,) TJ-07 comes to mind first or a MM case, but either way you will want 2 loops and rads, minimum, I would say 120x3 as you want to cool the mobo also.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2005
i'd get a better case... that TT case is a POS and is heavy as fuck. the interior is also full of sharp edges as their corners and edges aren't rolled over like aluminum cases. i suggest a full LL or Silverstone tower. I'd also get one of the higher end PCP&C PSU's for your build... TT psu's just can't compare in the upper end


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2007
Yeah. I would definitely recommend the Silverstone TJ-07 for any major watercooling (or a MountainMods case). The GTZ is available on jab-tech.com. The 1366 mounting plate is separate.

Read Aigo's Sticky for watercooling. Custom watercooling systems are the best performance option. The GTZ is a block that works with all copper-based custom loops. You just need to make sure you buy the right barbs and tubing to connect all your components, and hose-clamps as well. A standard watercooling dual-loop system goes:

Loop1 CPU:

Loop2 GPU:

The bottom of the TJ-07 has space for a 120.2 and 120.3 radiator IF you buy a HD rack for the 5.25" bays up top and remove the bottom racks. Look over at xtremesystems.org/forums for some ideas on the TJ-07.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
For the person that asked about the case

http://www.newegg.com/Product/...x?Item=N82E16811133054 from newegg. I think its big enough for everything.

07also sorry I dont know the lingo. I dont know hat a rad is I dont know what a tj-07.

I figured I couldnt go with the case I have listed from before because i'm goin to need aditional expanstion slots. Since the last one is a pci express. If there is 7 spots I will need at least one with 8.

The one with the link there has 10 expanstion slots.

external 5.25 - 7

external 3.5 - 1

internal 3.5 bays 10

4 fans. all over the place top rear vga fan and top and front.

sorry I keep jumping around its tough I wnat this purchase to be perfect

EDIT::: ok i just relized that the tj o7 is a case. Unfortunitley it wont work do to not having enough expanstion slots.

both the msi and gigabyte boards have 7 total pciexpress or pci or pciexpress x1 to x4 if the last pciexpress slot is at the end and i place a graphics card on it then I will need at least 8 expanstion slots. Sorry if it doesnt make sense its making sense to me t hough lol


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
decide on final hardware and go from there.. :p

The case is gonna be painful. Your looking at minimum 2 loops, with each loop needing to be a 120x2 and a 120x3. or ideally would be 2 120x3 or larger.

Case think big, like mountain mods cyo series.. :X


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2007
Well, a rad is a radiator. Same as the one you find in your car, but a lot more specialized.

Here's a MM case, the UFO-U2. Link

Here is Aigo's UFO: Link

Pretty much, if you want to roll with water, you have to go with something like Aigo's setup. It's a pain to get right, and it's really expensive, but it's worth every penny.

I currently have on my Q6600 on an eVGA 680i SLI:
Swiftech Apogee GTX w/ Copper Top
Thermochill PA 120.3 Radiator
Swiftech MCP655 Vario Pump
EK-FC88 G92 for my 8800GTS
and 7/16" ID Tygon Tubing

I also have a Swiftech MCR220 Radiator and a MCP650 Pump with 2 Swiftech MCW30 on my chipsets. Overall, it cost me around $500 - 600 with a single GPU.

Also, don't forget additives like Petra's Biocide (petrastechshop.com), and Pentosin G10.

Another thing, DON'T MIX METALS. No copper blocks with aluminum radiators. Stuff like that.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
that does look like a nice case but i think I need 8 expansion slots not 7 because the last input is is the pci express and I will be placing a video card in it