looking for a software called Novell PerfectHome TOTALLY READY TO READ


Senior member
Sep 18, 2000
About 3 months ago my car was broken in to and some little bastard stole my brand new clarion head unit, my Boston Rally components speakers, both 10" Image Dynamics IDQ subs, and nearly 75 of my favorite CD's. As though that wasn't bad enough, my 3 year old daughter's favorite CD-ROM, Novell's PerfectHome TOTALLY READY TO READ was in my CD case and they got that too.

There isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't ask me about her CD:

"daddy, did a bad man steal my "Songs & Rhymes CD" out of your car?"
"yes honey, a VERY bad person did that"
"can we buy a new one at the store?"
"well honey, the CD is very old and VERY hard to find"
"did you look at Target for a new one?"
"yes...I did look at Target"

Anyway, I've searched the net inside and out and have come up empty. I thought as a last resort I would post the question here and see if anyone has a copy of the CD-ROM that they would be willing to sell me. It would make a certain 3 year old very very happy :)




Golden Member
Oct 29, 1999
OK, this is a longshot, but Novell owned Wordperfect back then and Wordperfect was part of the Perfect Home/Office series (I think) and here's a site that lists a Wordperfect Totally Ready To Read children's cd. The site was last updated around the end of last summer, but it would still be worth contacting the guy. Sorry about your losses. Good luck.



Senior member
Sep 18, 2000
Thanks for the link. I had been to that page about a week ago and left an email but as of today, haven't heard back yet...

I saw that the page was last updated in August of 2000 which was encouraging considering the design of the page looks like it's right out of the late 80's :)

Thanks again!