Looking for a good book


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
I know we have a long history of abusing our mentally ill in the name of science. I'm looking for a book that details what types of experiments were performed in insane asylums between 1875 -> 1980.

I know two facilities near me have a track record of such abuse but be damned if I can find out more about what went on there...

for those curious on which sites I'm referring the Oregon State Insane Asylum (renamed the Oregon State Hospital and Oregon State Institute for the Feeble Minded (renamed Salem's Fairview Training Center before it's closure in 2000)

Interesting Fact: One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest, starring a young(er) Jack Nicholson was filmed primarily in the Oregon State Hospital.


Oct 13, 2004
While i don't wish to belittle your interest in the area, surely there's something for constructive and entertaining out there you can get your teeth into? ;)


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2003
Originally posted by: narzy
I know we have a long history of abusing our mentally ill in the name of science. I'm looking for a book that details what types of experiments were performed in insane asylums between 1875 -> 1980.

I know two facilities near me have a track record of such abuse but be damned if I can find out more about what went on there...

for those curious on which sites I'm referring the Oregon State Insane Asylum (renamed the Oregon State Hospital and Oregon State Institute for the Feeble Minded (renamed Salem's Fairview Training Center before it's closure in 2000)

Interesting Fact: One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest, starring a young(er) Jack Nicholson was filmed primarily in the Oregon State Hospital.

Plenty of abusive experiments were done outside of "insanse asylums":

- The Stanford Prison Experiment
- The Milgram (sp?) Studies
- LSD Experiments at Spring Grove


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
Originally posted by: dug777
While i don't wish to belittle your interest in the area, surely there's something for constructive and entertaining out there you can get your teeth into? ;)

LOL I know it seems like an odd request, but it is for a psychology final, we're suppose to find something that interests us about psychology, I figured I'd throw the instructor for a loop...hopefully she doesn't call the dean on me ;).


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
Originally posted by: timswim78
Originally posted by: narzy
I know we have a long history of abusing our mentally ill in the name of science. I'm looking for a book that details what types of experiments were performed in insane asylums between 1875 -> 1980.

I know two facilities near me have a track record of such abuse but be damned if I can find out more about what went on there...

for those curious on which sites I'm referring the Oregon State Insane Asylum (renamed the Oregon State Hospital and Oregon State Institute for the Feeble Minded (renamed Salem's Fairview Training Center before it's closure in 2000)

Interesting Fact: One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest, starring a young(er) Jack Nicholson was filmed primarily in the Oregon State Hospital.

Plenty of abusive experiments were done outside of "insanse asylums":

- The Stanford Prison Experiment
- The Milgram (sp?) Studies
- LSD Experiments at Spring Grove

The Stanford Prison Experiments are a very interesting study, the Milgram (I don't know how to spell it either) are also classic. I haven't read about the LSD / Spring Grove stuff yet, looking at it now. I wanted to pick a subject that highlighted the exploitation of the helpless more then focus on controlled experiments (even if the controlled experiments became misguided in some cases producing surprising results.)


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
anyone have any insight? I've been using google book search but coming up empty on what I am looking for...


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
Ok I've read One flew over the Ckoocoo's nest, the art and zen of motorcycle repair and another book I can't remember the name of relating to the subject but still haven't found exactly what I am looking for...

any help at all would be appreciated, I even asked a psychiatrist and he didn't have any great answers for me.


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
Your best bet is to go to a University that is close to you. Go to their library and ask a reference librarian. They(or one of them there) will know.

You'll probably find a lot more than youd expect, and stuff the library doesnt have they can get it from any other library in the country.


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Wreckem
Your best bet is to go to a University that is close to you. Go to their library and ask a reference librarian. They(or one of them there) will know.

You'll probably find a lot more than youd expect, and stuff the library doesnt have they can get it from any other libraby in the country.

yeah, our library makes a crack house look like a presidential sweet at the hilton...the librarians are underpaid and have seriously bad attitudes and I don't think they have any books printed after the 40's...that being said I did forget to check there...I'll head to the libary and see what I can find.