Presently my system is an:
ASUS A7N8X-dlx ver 1.4 MB
Unlocked AMD 2500+ Barton processor
2x256 and 1x512MB OCZ 2-2-2-5 rated Dual channel RAM PC2700
2x37.5GB WD raptor SATA harddrives
Purchased a MSI 6600GT-NX128MB VIVO AGP8X video card with full intentions on keeping the system for at least 2 more years. Runs great but I am little jealous about the new 64bit processors performance.
I have a friend who is looking at upgading his older board and CPU and is admiring mine and offerred me a good price for them. I am keeping my video card, memory and drives.
Now my problem. Since I am keeping AGP, I cannot use Nforce 4 as it supports PCI-E video so I am looking at Nforce3 which usually is with socket 754. I see on the forums and articles that 754 is on the way out so I should go with 939 processors so I can upgrade later (2yrs or more). My memory while rated as PC2700 willl have no problem running on a pc3200 supported board once I relax the timings. When I have the resources and more importantly software applications capable of using the new 64bit hardware and PCI-E video, I will take the huge plunge. This system will be relegated to a home theatre setup (remember I have the VIVO).
I would like suggestions/recommendations on 939 boards with AGP support as their is little press on them I know . I am leaning toward nforce3 but if someone can show me good reason to look at VIA I will consider. Please don't tell me about the nforce4, I know their screaming hot but I can't afford the massive outlay.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration
ASUS A7N8X-dlx ver 1.4 MB
Unlocked AMD 2500+ Barton processor
2x256 and 1x512MB OCZ 2-2-2-5 rated Dual channel RAM PC2700
2x37.5GB WD raptor SATA harddrives
Purchased a MSI 6600GT-NX128MB VIVO AGP8X video card with full intentions on keeping the system for at least 2 more years. Runs great but I am little jealous about the new 64bit processors performance.
I have a friend who is looking at upgading his older board and CPU and is admiring mine and offerred me a good price for them. I am keeping my video card, memory and drives.
Now my problem. Since I am keeping AGP, I cannot use Nforce 4 as it supports PCI-E video so I am looking at Nforce3 which usually is with socket 754. I see on the forums and articles that 754 is on the way out so I should go with 939 processors so I can upgrade later (2yrs or more). My memory while rated as PC2700 willl have no problem running on a pc3200 supported board once I relax the timings. When I have the resources and more importantly software applications capable of using the new 64bit hardware and PCI-E video, I will take the huge plunge. This system will be relegated to a home theatre setup (remember I have the VIVO).
I would like suggestions/recommendations on 939 boards with AGP support as their is little press on them I know . I am leaning toward nforce3 but if someone can show me good reason to look at VIA I will consider. Please don't tell me about the nforce4, I know their screaming hot but I can't afford the massive outlay.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration