Looking for 939 AGP8x nforce3 motherboard


Senior member
Feb 7, 2004
Presently my system is an:
ASUS A7N8X-dlx ver 1.4 MB
Unlocked AMD 2500+ Barton processor
2x256 and 1x512MB OCZ 2-2-2-5 rated Dual channel RAM PC2700
2x37.5GB WD raptor SATA harddrives

Purchased a MSI 6600GT-NX128MB VIVO AGP8X video card with full intentions on keeping the system for at least 2 more years. Runs great but I am little jealous about the new 64bit processors performance.

I have a friend who is looking at upgading his older board and CPU and is admiring mine and offerred me a good price for them. I am keeping my video card, memory and drives.

Now my problem. Since I am keeping AGP, I cannot use Nforce 4 as it supports PCI-E video so I am looking at Nforce3 which usually is with socket 754. I see on the forums and articles that 754 is on the way out so I should go with 939 processors so I can upgrade later (2yrs or more). My memory while rated as PC2700 willl have no problem running on a pc3200 supported board once I relax the timings. When I have the resources and more importantly software applications capable of using the new 64bit hardware and PCI-E video, I will take the huge plunge. This system will be relegated to a home theatre setup (remember I have the VIVO).

I would like suggestions/recommendations on 939 boards with AGP support as their is little press on them I know . I am leaning toward nforce3 but if someone can show me good reason to look at VIA I will consider. Please don't tell me about the nforce4, I know their screaming hot but I can't afford the massive outlay.

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration


Elite Member
Oct 15, 1999
You won't be upgrading your socket-939 processor after mid next year either.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2001
I've got an Epox 9NDA3+ on order. I'm hoping to overclock a Winchester A64 3000 with it, but I'll be recycling some other pieces (Radeon 9800, IDE optical/hard drives) with it. I'll try to post some reports of my experiences (hopefully from the built box) later.


Senior member
Feb 7, 2004
Appreciate the replies so far. Makes my research a little easier having some model numbers to google. The MSI one sounds feature rich but the one review site was a little dissappointed on the over clocking. The review was an older one so I am sure the BIOS has improved the performance and gotten some kinks out.

Hi Peter, When I referred to my next upgrade 2-3 years down the road I should have been clear and stated that the only part I probably would retain will be the CPU.

Keep the recommendations coming

The Pentium Guy

Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2005
Soltek K8T800 is rock solid at stock speed.

Neo2 is extremely feature rich - but I don't know where you got the info that its not a good overclocker -> I heard it's one of the top overclocking boards.

Is it just me? Or is there not a lot of Socket 939 AGP choices (nforce3/VIA k8t800)? I mean, on NewEgg there's a total of FIVE nf3 motherboards.. and like 3 via k8t800's... kind of weird.

Check out the ASUS offering: A8V Deluxe (not to be confused with A8V-e deluxe, the PCI-e brother)

And I beleive that Gigabyte has a NF3 nice board. I'm not too sure about the ePox 9NDA3+. It could be good, I just haven't seen reviews on it.

Good luck. I'm helping a friend build a 939 budget computer.



Senior member
Feb 7, 2004
Read this reviewat PCstat review. While it oc the net benefits seemed a little low. I always heard MSI tried hard to make good enthusiast boards and I am sure this one is good too.
I was hoping DFI made one but they only make a 754 agp board. I too am suprised by the low number of 939 AGP