I am new here, this being my first post. While I do a lot of reading, I am not nearly as tech savvy as any of you fine people. I want to trash my existing 1.2 Athlon and go for a brand new 64 bit FX computer. After building some boxes at the likes of Voodoo, NW-Falcon, and now Elite PC based on the recent review I am as confused as I can be. Therefore, I have come here asking for guidance.
I want to try to stay in the $3000-3500 area, but I would push that to $4500 for perceived value.
What I am keeping:
P1600 Cornerstone monitor (21") and it fits on my desk into the corner allowing me to sit far enough back from the screen.
Klipsch 4.1 (?) speakers (1 sub, 4 sats, no center)
I would change them if there were a good reason.
1. I do not want to save $500 by buying my own parts and making my own system. I am simply not comfortable doing this. Overclocking is also not a concern. I would be comfortable buying from Voodoo, NW-Falcon, or Elite PC.
2. I will use this box for mostly game playing, both online and off, and internet surfing. I think it would be accurate to state this is a gaming machine. I am not a server, and I do not do photo-editing although I might one day.
There are my answers to the questions I think I need to supply for guidance.
Chip: FX 51 ( I don't think this is an issue, this being the best now).
MB: I think I like Asus, but not sure on the "n" or the "v". NW Falcon told me their "v" is better and faster, but that seems to contradict what I read here. Elite PC uses an MSI board.
Memory: I am not sure how much to get. I know 1 gig minimum and would go to 2 gigs, but not sure on Mushkin or Corsair. NW Falcon will only use Samsung, and I have also heard that some boards do not like more than 1 gig (I think Elite PC's board (MSI) had some troubles here. I do know that for 1 application I intend on doing, the absolute fastest memory (LOW latency) is mission critical here. Bottom line, I have no idea what to get here.
Optical Drives: I need a 3.5" (shudder) and want a DVD +/- recordable. I also want a second back up drive, but not sure if I should go dvd/cd reader, or a cd rw. Elite PC only seems to offer a Sony?!
HD: I am fairly certain I want to go RAID 0 and have noted that the 10,000 rpm drives that Elite used in the last Review here are only 37 odd gigs each. While I think that is enough, I am tempted to maybe get more space. I have yet to come close to filling my 70 gig (approx) but I know that changes every month.
Video Card: I don't wish to start a flame here, but 9800 XT or 5900 Ultra? I have heard that ATI looks better, but Nvidea works closer with the gaming industry and is more mature with drivers. UGH! Here for example, price would mean nothing to me. Also, did I read some boards do not have AGP Pro slots?
If anyone is really going to build some systems, please note for example, that some companies do not offer all things. Elite only has ATI for example. I would also be more than happy to check out another builder, but the 3 above appear to make the best systems. I am avoiding saying that Alienware is not what they used to be.
Well, this is my problem, and I hope someone will respond and assist me. I think it is fun to do these things, but my expertise always limits how far I can get
Maybe this is an interesting thread?
I want to try to stay in the $3000-3500 area, but I would push that to $4500 for perceived value.
What I am keeping:
P1600 Cornerstone monitor (21") and it fits on my desk into the corner allowing me to sit far enough back from the screen.
Klipsch 4.1 (?) speakers (1 sub, 4 sats, no center)
I would change them if there were a good reason.
1. I do not want to save $500 by buying my own parts and making my own system. I am simply not comfortable doing this. Overclocking is also not a concern. I would be comfortable buying from Voodoo, NW-Falcon, or Elite PC.
2. I will use this box for mostly game playing, both online and off, and internet surfing. I think it would be accurate to state this is a gaming machine. I am not a server, and I do not do photo-editing although I might one day.
There are my answers to the questions I think I need to supply for guidance.
Chip: FX 51 ( I don't think this is an issue, this being the best now).
MB: I think I like Asus, but not sure on the "n" or the "v". NW Falcon told me their "v" is better and faster, but that seems to contradict what I read here. Elite PC uses an MSI board.
Memory: I am not sure how much to get. I know 1 gig minimum and would go to 2 gigs, but not sure on Mushkin or Corsair. NW Falcon will only use Samsung, and I have also heard that some boards do not like more than 1 gig (I think Elite PC's board (MSI) had some troubles here. I do know that for 1 application I intend on doing, the absolute fastest memory (LOW latency) is mission critical here. Bottom line, I have no idea what to get here.
Optical Drives: I need a 3.5" (shudder) and want a DVD +/- recordable. I also want a second back up drive, but not sure if I should go dvd/cd reader, or a cd rw. Elite PC only seems to offer a Sony?!
HD: I am fairly certain I want to go RAID 0 and have noted that the 10,000 rpm drives that Elite used in the last Review here are only 37 odd gigs each. While I think that is enough, I am tempted to maybe get more space. I have yet to come close to filling my 70 gig (approx) but I know that changes every month.
Video Card: I don't wish to start a flame here, but 9800 XT or 5900 Ultra? I have heard that ATI looks better, but Nvidea works closer with the gaming industry and is more mature with drivers. UGH! Here for example, price would mean nothing to me. Also, did I read some boards do not have AGP Pro slots?
If anyone is really going to build some systems, please note for example, that some companies do not offer all things. Elite only has ATI for example. I would also be more than happy to check out another builder, but the 3 above appear to make the best systems. I am avoiding saying that Alienware is not what they used to be.
Well, this is my problem, and I hope someone will respond and assist me. I think it is fun to do these things, but my expertise always limits how far I can get
Maybe this is an interesting thread?