

Oct 16, 2004
For those of you that remember this from two days ago, well, I gave digital painting another more serious whirl, and this time I came up with something better :)


Original image size: 1600x1200 @ 180 dpi
Project time: approx 4 hours
Layers: 8 visible, 10 total

I learned a lot of things doing this picture. First, I spent a lot less time than I should've on the hair, and that's why it looks pretty flat and, well, not real. Painting hair sucks. Also, my comp sucks too and I can't work with images larger than stated above because at that size, large "smudge" brushes @ size 60ish and above tend to lag. I do wish I could blur the background a little more, but it's pretty much as smudged and blurred as my sanity will let it get. Finally, the ear kinda sucks cuz again I didn't spend that much time on it. But otherwise the rest of the pic turned out the way I had envisioned and I'm happy with it. What do you guys think?


Mar 25, 2001
My first painting in Photoshop.

Learn your selection tools, greatest tool you have. Also, if you are serious about it get Corel's Painter, much better at "painting" stuff digitally. Looks good though, keep it up. :thumbsup:

I assume you are using a wacom tablet right? If not, get one pronto. There is no use even attempting to do a piece on the computer without one.


Oct 16, 2004
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
My first painting in Photoshop.

Learn your selection tools, greatest tool you have. Also, if you are serious about it get Corel's Painter, much better at "painting" stuff digitally.

Pretty cool, I like the texturing. I could probably do it (and I'll make sure my second pic has lots of texture so I can practice) but it will take time and patience. Something I need to acquire :)

What are selection tools?


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
the only photoshop work I do is removing things
i.e. text banners on a wallpaper, there was another otherwise awesome wallpaper with a big cable running through the center, took that out
ive been thinking of trying something a little more challengeing this weeked, maybe a good ol' face swap


Mar 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Mrvile
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
My first painting in Photoshop.

Learn your selection tools, greatest tool you have. Also, if you are serious about it get Corel's Painter, much better at "painting" stuff digitally.

Pretty cool, I like the texturing. I could probably do it (and I'll make sure my second pic has lots of texture so I can practice) but it will take time and patience. Something I need to acquire :)

What are selection tools?

Lol, you need to get a Photoshop book. Once you learn the tools, you can do 1000x more, and faster and better. But seriously though, for stuff like this your best bet is Painter + a wacom tablet.


Oct 16, 2004
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: Mrvile
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
My first painting in Photoshop.

Learn your selection tools, greatest tool you have. Also, if you are serious about it get Corel's Painter, much better at "painting" stuff digitally.

Pretty cool, I like the texturing. I could probably do it (and I'll make sure my second pic has lots of texture so I can practice) but it will take time and patience. Something I need to acquire :)

What are selection tools?

Lol, you need to get a Photoshop book. Once you learn the tools, you can do 1000x more, and faster and better. But seriously though, for stuff like this your best bet is Painter + a wacom tablet.

The thought of "learning" Photoshop scares me :p

It's such an extensive program, there are classes and seminars that teach only Photoshop...yikes...but I guess it's essential.

Anywho I've been considering a Wacom tablet for a long time now, but they're so small and yet still so expensive...340 dollars for a 6x8...and the thing is, I don't have a problem at all with drawing using a mouse (using the mouse wasn't the thing that was holding me back, it was understanding the program), so I don't know how much "better" a tablet would be.



Mar 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Mrvile
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: Mrvile
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
My first painting in Photoshop.

Learn your selection tools, greatest tool you have. Also, if you are serious about it get Corel's Painter, much better at "painting" stuff digitally.

Pretty cool, I like the texturing. I could probably do it (and I'll make sure my second pic has lots of texture so I can practice) but it will take time and patience. Something I need to acquire :)

What are selection tools?

Lol, you need to get a Photoshop book. Once you learn the tools, you can do 1000x more, and faster and better. But seriously though, for stuff like this your best bet is Painter + a wacom tablet.

The thought of "learning" Photoshop scares me :p

It's such an extensive program, there are classes and seminars that teach only Photoshop...yikes...but I guess it's essential.

Anywho I've been considering a Wacom tablet for a long time now, but they're so small and yet still so expensive...340 dollars for a 6x8...and the thing is, I don't have a problem at all with drawing using a mouse (using the mouse wasn't the thing that was holding me back, it was understanding the program), so I don't know how much "better" a tablet would be.

Photoshop seems really complicated, but once you crack open a book you can be finished with it in 2 days. It's not THAT complicated, most of the features make sense and are pretty intuitive to learn. And the best part, once you get that down you are 1/2 way done to learning Illustrator and InDesign. :thumbsup:

But no matter how good you think you are with a mouse (that pic of the girl is nice), and even though you don't think it is holding you back, believe me it is. Going from a mouse to using a wacom tablet is like going from MS Paint to Adobe Photoshop or Corel Painter. It really is necessary. Once you master the brushes and how to paint using the tablet, the sky is the limit. I mean I dunno, all I can say is take my word for it. If you actually are wanting to learn how to make some paintings using Photoshop or Painter, you won't regret spending however much it cost.

But good look man, and if you have any questions about Photoshop, or making your pics in general drop me a pm. :)


Platinum Member
Dec 24, 2004
Originally posted by: ShadowBlade
the only photoshop work I do is removing things
i.e. text banners on a wallpaper, there was another otherwise awesome wallpaper with a big cable running through the center, took that out
ive been thinking of trying something a little more challengeing this weeked, maybe a good ol' face swap

Something like removing a guy doing an egyptian pose from a picture?


Mar 1, 2000
That's pretty good but work on the mouth area and expression, it looks very wierd.


Mar 25, 2001
Here is the start of a postcard I am going to do. It is about 1/4 of the way done or so, I layed down the initial colors and such (ignore the background). I'm going to go in and spent a lot of time smoothing everything out and filling in a bunch of details, then for the background I haven't decided what to do yet but the print is going to be run in 4 colors + a glaze, so I think I am going to paint in a bunch of organic shapes in the background (which will either be a kinda orange to complement the blues or a black) for the glaze which should look cool. But I still have quite a bit of work ahead of me.