So I turn on RealTV, and there is some tornado story. The narrator/host says, "Cars are safe to be in during lightening b/c of rubber tires, but a Tornado is a completely different story."
I can't believe this asinine logic still makes sense to adults. That's like saying, "People can't get hit by lightening b/c of rubber on their sneakers." LOL.
The reason it is safe to be in a car during a lightening storm is that when lightening strikes the car, the metal of the car's exterior/frame absorbs the lightening strike, leaving the passengers safe from harms way, so long as the passenger doesn't have their finger in the cigarette outlet...convertables need not apply.
I can't believe this asinine logic still makes sense to adults. That's like saying, "People can't get hit by lightening b/c of rubber on their sneakers." LOL.
The reason it is safe to be in a car during a lightening storm is that when lightening strikes the car, the metal of the car's exterior/frame absorbs the lightening strike, leaving the passengers safe from harms way, so long as the passenger doesn't have their finger in the cigarette outlet...convertables need not apply.