I have the inspire 5100, but i'm thinking about getting the z640 if they are better. Only 47 bucks at buy.com. Should i get the z640s or save the cash?
I have a pair of Z-640's they are really nice. Logitech support is great too. If anything ever goes wrong with them they will make it right, I don't know if creative is like that...
My first set of Z-640's the head phone jack broke on the center speaker causeing sound to only come out of the headphone jack. Called up Logitech they sent me a brand new set and told me to open up the speaker of my old set and fix the problem my self. So now I have 2 sets of Z-640's but ones head phone jack doesn't work any more.
The Z-640's should be a bit better. I've heard both of those systems, and honestly, while I can tell a difference, I don't think it's a very big gap. I wouldn't do the upgrade if I were you.
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