Logitech MX900 Bluetooth Mouse


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2002
My gf just picked up an MX900 for me for my birthday and I am wanting to hook it up to my HP zt3000 lappy. My laptop has bluetooth built in so I don't need to use the cradle that Logitech includes as a bluetooth hub, only to charge the mouse.

The porlbme I am running into is apparently the SetClick software that is ussed to change the button settings on the mouse will only work if the cradles is connected to the laptop. Having the cradle hooked up to the laptop all the time of course defeats the purpose of getting the mouse in the first place since it renders the portability benefit of the bluetooth if I have to keep the lappy tethered to this cradle.

Does anyone know a way around this so that I can adjust the settings and button configurations of the mouse but not have to have the cradle hooked up the laptop? I've gotten the mouse working on my laptop no problem using the built in bluetooth but it operates as a generic mouse without the extra fun that the MX900 provides.

Thanks in advance.