So I was with my friend in his '86 Camaro.. just a V6, nothing special, when we stop next to some ricers at a red light. My friend revs it a couple times but isn't actually set on racing. The light turns green and he takes off fast, but slows his acceleration. The ricer next to us sounds like a lawnmower as he flies by us.
That was funny in itself, but what's funnier is that soon 3-4 more ricers were flying by us left and right. They were all going at LEAST 90 (55mph), probably around 100 (62mph) on this boulevard. We sped up to 90-100 (55 - 62mph) ourselves as it really is a nice cruising speed for that road (which has a limit of 50 (30mph)). I thought we were going around the speed limit because all the cars around us were going the same speed, but I looked at the speedo and we were going about 100 (62mph). We looked behind us, and everyone BEHIND us was going the same speed too! Some old fart in a buick passed us going 110 (68mph)! An old fart wanted to join in on it!
I've never, ever seen anything like that in my life
That was funny in itself, but what's funnier is that soon 3-4 more ricers were flying by us left and right. They were all going at LEAST 90 (55mph), probably around 100 (62mph) on this boulevard. We sped up to 90-100 (55 - 62mph) ourselves as it really is a nice cruising speed for that road (which has a limit of 50 (30mph)). I thought we were going around the speed limit because all the cars around us were going the same speed, but I looked at the speedo and we were going about 100 (62mph). We looked behind us, and everyone BEHIND us was going the same speed too! Some old fart in a buick passed us going 110 (68mph)! An old fart wanted to join in on it!
I've never, ever seen anything like that in my life