Lithuania almost beats the Dream Team!


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
If only they had not missed so many free throws. Two lousy points! :(


Bob Costas will have fun describing that one later on American television. He's gonna be so melodramatic! :|

And that Cuban boxer who 1/2 hour ago lost to an American 42-41 in their semi-final. Heartbreaker material I tell you. :( But now the winner is gonna meet the world champion, a piledriver who utterly dominated the Algerian semi-finalist (won by mercy ruling 7 seconds into thesecond round).

When I Fall (Barenaked Ladies)

snow patrol

Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2000
One always tends to feel a little sorry for the loser, particularly when the magin of defeat is so small..but I suppose someone has to win and someone has to lose.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Some dream team. It almost looks like they don't care; they have their millions, why do they need a gold medal? This is like a charity banquet to them. :|


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I only saw the end of the game, but it sure was a cliffhanger! Too bad the dreaming team won.


Senior member
May 6, 2000
Frankly.. i'm sick of Bob Costas... he sucks..

i got bored watching how he was describing how that 200m US guy got screwed by the officials on false start not being called.. yadda yadda...

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Wow. Far cry from the all out domination of the original "Dream Team."


Viper GTS


Golden Member
Feb 7, 2000
They should stop refering to the men's basketball teams as Dream Teams. There is only one. the first one. That was the only team that had classy players on it (Charles "The Elbow" Barkely notwithstanding)

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
The first one was the only one I ever cared about. Legendary players that got to make their one appearance in the Olympics before they retired. After that, I couldn't even name a single player on a single "Dream Team."

The first, the only. Michael, Magic, Clyde...

Damn, I miss those guys.


Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Personally, I love basketball. Just woke up and got the score off the internet. Couldn't believe it. They let it get that close.

This "Dream Team" is far from it. None of these players ever won any sort of NCAA or NBA championship. Gary Payton is the only one who has a gold medal. They are the most athletic and talented team in the field, but don't have the desire or cohesion. USA Basketball needs more championship caliber players on the squad if they want to continue domination. Older and more mature players who know how to win. Glen Rice, Scotty Pippen, David Robinson and Shaq, to name a few.

Rudy T was not the best man for USA Basketball coach either. Phil Jackson, Greg Popavich or Pat Riley would have been the better choice. They gave the job to Rudy T because he coached USA Basketball to the Bronze Medal at the '98 World Championships with a bunch of CBA players. I wonder how much input Larry Brown has had in all of this. He's an outstanding teacher of the game.

Seems they just forget all about fundamentals and go out on the floor to show off. Would have done their crappy egos a world of good to lose. Taught their multi-million dollar a$$es a lesson. They'd probably end up whining about the zone defense. Zone is legal in college, Olympic and FIBA ball, but not in the NBA. Or they'd whine about the fact that they have only been together for 5 weeks.

Lithuania is well coached and has been playing the game for years. It was introduced there by some US coaches before World War II. They play excellent team ball and probably earn a winning record if they played in the USA against NCAA Division I teams during exhibition. Maybe even some close games against an NBA team or two. I knew they'd be a handful for USA Basketball. Not this much though.

In 1988, when the old USSR beat John Thompson's USA collegians, Lithuanians Arvydas Sabonis and Sarunas Marcilionus were the most instrumental in that victory. Sabonis plays for Portland, but was a little too banged up to play this year. Marcilionus, after about 8 years in the NBA, is now the equivalent of David Stearn in Lithuania.

Bear in mind that all of the players on this Lithuanian squad would probably earn a roster spot on an NCAA Division I team. Maybe one or two would "ride the pine" in the NBA. I'll bet a few scouts are gonna be over there now, even though the Lithuanian team is not NBA caliber.

A great demonstration of how good team play with average players can almost beat a much more talented team. I know Rick Majerus was loving this.



Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2000
i have to partly disasgree, i think the first 2 dreams teams were the best, but the first was by far the best.



Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999

Your comment about Rudy T being a bad choice is preposterous! Need I remind you of his BACK TO BACK NBA Championships with, of all teams, the Houston Rockets?! Man oh man:)

Dream Team sucks this year. There's no honor, and there's no intensity. However, I don't want to see them lose at the same time.

Let the ones with heart play.


Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999

The reason they didn't choose a lot of the players is because they've already been to the Olympics. They want to give other people a chance.

Still, though, even the second Dream Team was a joke compared to the first. There will never be another dream team as far as I'm concerned.


Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Tim Duncan and Grant Hill didn't make it because of injuries. They were originally chosen. Shaquille O'Neal wanted to spend the summer with his family. Kobe Bryant is getting married.

On Rudy T:......... Yes, he won back to back titles 94-95 with Hakeem Olajuwan, Clyde Drexler ('95), Robert Horry, Mario Elie, Kenny Smith etc.

But what have his teams done since? The Rockets then make a bogus trade and give up three key players from the core of that team just to get Charles Barkley. They said because they wanted to match up with Seattle better. Yes, they did match up better. Beat Seattle in '97 only to have Stockton, Malone and company take them out in the playoffs in 97 and 98. Then they bring Scotty Pippen in and it really hoses the team chemistry.

No, even though I strongly disagree, I do respect old Rudy T. He can build and coach a solid team in the long run. It's his personnel decisions I differ with. He relies too much on talent and not enough on fundamentals and veteran leadership during international play.

Phil Jackson and Pat Riley were much better choices for this job. 7 and 4 NBA titles respectively. Phil Jackson is a superior motivator and mentor of players. Took two different teams with two different styles to hear the fat lady sing.

Pat Riley learned the game from one of the all time greats - Adolph Rupp. When was the last time he missed the playoffs? When he was a commentator with NBC in the early '90s.

But I also blame the USA Basketball selection committee. They could have easily got Ron Harper, Mario Elie or Robert Horry to provide much needed leadership. Those players have won on two different NBA championship teams.

They also went over without enough big men. If it weren't for Kevin Garnett, we'd really be hurting.