Liteon DVD-rom read problem?


Senior member
Nov 19, 2000
My Lite-on 163d DVD-rom has this problem where when I put a dvd or cd or a music disc in it, the dvd drive cannot be browsed. I click on the drive and it please insert a disc. Music cds play when I use Winamp though. But when I restart the pc with the disc in it I can browse the files on the disc. Autorun is disabled on my dvdrom drive and cd burner in windows xp. I have tried a firmware update but still have the problem.


Senior member
Aug 20, 2001
Are You sure you've allowed enough time for the DVD player to detect and read the disk?... The reason that I say this is because my DVD player takes along time to read the disk... When I put in a disk I watch the HDD activity light to tell when it's ready... You might give it a try.