Lite-On vs. Plextor? Need some input.


Feb 2, 2002
Anybody know if the Plextor PlexWriter PX-2410TA CD-RW is compatible with Win XP?
The specs on the various retail sites only list it as "Windows 95/98/2000/ME and NT4.0 Compatible".

I'm weighing it against the Lite-On LTR-24102B which IS XP compatible but I'm confused about
what all the posts are about comparing the two and debating which is best if you can't run the
Plextor on an XP system.



Golden Member
Mar 1, 2001
Im sure you can run the plextor on XP that would just be insain if you could'nt, the big difference is the price anyway lite-on is just cheaper and runs really good!


Feb 2, 2002
I agree it would seem odd not to run on XP but this product says what it says on the specs.

Also for some reason the Lite-ON -- just in the past few days -- is VERY hard to find now unless
you go to the 32X CDRW and the price is rising if you can find it. Now $100 compared to $75 last
week on Newgg.

In fact, Newegg doesn't eeven have it on there site anymore in their catalog.



Junior Member
Dec 16, 2001

I have the Plextor PX-2410TA CDRW on my rig and I run Win XP Pro. It works just fine. :)



Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2000
also running a plextor 24x here. wish i waited for the $120 40x but oh well. runs great. the listed compatibility is the plextor software. that doesn't run in xp. but i use nero and clonecd so it doesn't matter. no probs with this burner and loving it.

The Sauce

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Plextor does not allow you to copy SD2 protected CD's. They have manipulated their firmwares to prevent it. SD2 copying is a cinch with the Lite-On (and cloneCD). At least Lite-On knows where their biscuit is buttered. Unless copying software is not a priority you should get the Lite-On. For pure back-ups the Plextor is probably superior in terms of quality and workmanship.


Senior member
Jan 31, 2002
The Plextor 40X is available at Plextor is better, but I like LiteOn simply because
it comes bundled with Nero (at least the 24X does at newegg!).


Mar 11, 2000
Lite-On 24X is best game copier. Some issues noted about build quality, but RMA'ing is apparently not a problem.

Plextors best all around but $$$.

Teac 24X fastest seek and most tolerant of crappy media.


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2000

<< Plextor does not allow you to copy SD2 protected CD's. They have manipulated their firmwares to prevent it. SD2 copying is a cinch with the Lite-On (and cloneCD). At least Lite-On knows where their biscuit is buttered. Unless copying software is not a priority you should get the Lite-On. For pure back-ups the Plextor is probably superior in terms of quality and workmanship. >>

woah there. when/where did you hear about this SD2 protected CD's not being able to copy with the Plextor? I want proof. that can't be true, cuz i have the plextor 24x with the latest firmware and have not heard of this. Please feel free to prove me wrong. but as far as i know, they can both do SD2 and everything else.


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2000
did some searching and reading. apparently it works with the Plextor 24x on some of the burners and sometimes it doesn't. haven't quite figured out the details. but seems to work regardless. either way, the testing is done with Medal of Honor Allied Assult, Civ3, and Serious Sam2. The latest SD2 is 2.51.... and the LiteOn and Plextor seem to be good to go on them. i found very few people having problems copying those, but most people say it does it perfectly 1:1. it's getting late and i have stuff to do tomorrow. so i'm done for now. let me know if anyone has more details on proving me wrong.


Senior member
Mar 30, 2000
I am confused, the guys at my work said to get a plextor cause the lite on doesn't work with cloneCD while the plextor does, now I'm hearing the opposite. It doesn't really matter since all I'd be doing is archiving non protected data and mp3s.

<< wish i waited for the $120 40x but oh well. >>

Where do they sell a 40X plextor for $120?


Jun 8, 2001
I have a Plextor 24x 10x 40x cd-rw and i like it a lot. Never tired a lite-on cd-rw yet. Got it for a good deal too. Only thing i do not like about the new 32x and 40x cd-rws coming out is that they are very limited with what media you can buy. I guess when cd-rws get even faster it will be even more important.


Feb 26, 2001
I bought a Lite-On from New-Egg, it worked once then just died. They sent me a replacement and it was DOA. Wont Touch Lite-On agian. TEAC is the best deal right now.


Jun 8, 2001
Why does TEAC CD-RWs support the most cd-r and cd-rw media no matter if its no name brand or brand name? Why does plextor not, or any other brands support any too easily?
Or do they ?



Junior Member
Feb 12, 2002
Go with the Lite-On. No problems with the 24x model I own....which I've used in XP, Win 2k, and ME with no problems. It also comes bundled with Nero, which is sweet. With the rate that faster burners are coming to market, how long are you going to keep this burner?


The Sauce

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999

<< woah there. when/where did you hear about this SD2 protected CD's not being able to copy with the Plextor? I want proof. that can't be true, cuz i have the plextor 24x with the latest firmware and have not heard of this. Please feel free to prove me wrong. but as far as i know, they can both do SD2 and everything else >>

Oh man, I'm not going to go digging through all the forums for the info again. There was a big to-do about this a while back. First with the 1210A...Plextor started putting out firmwares that would not copy SD2 and everyone was freaking out trying to downgrade their firmwares. There were several reports of Plextor technicians and employees admitting that they were trying to play ball with software manufacturers by not allowing their drives to copy newer protection schemes. When the 24X burner came out it actually could copy SD2 but then they did the same thing again and started releasing newer firmwares that prevented it. This is not new news. They have been playing this game for a while now and its well known to those who follow the forums. If you have a 24X plextor and it does copy SD2 then i recommend that you do not upgrade the firmware. If you do not have one yet and need to copy SD@, don't buy one...because it will be coming with the newer firmware.


Mar 11, 2000

<< Why does TEAC CD-RWs support the most cd-r and cd-rw media no matter if its no name brand or brand name? Why does plextor not, or any other brands support any too easily?
Or do they ?

24X Plextors are good, but to my surprise the 24X Teac got better reviews in terms of media compatibility. See here:

The TEAC CD-W524E has the best media compatibility I have seen in a 24x writer. The TEAC took every type of media I threw at it and wrote to it at 24x. Even the problematic PNY, CompUSA and Fuji media had no problems at 24x.

TEAC pulls off this amazing feat by using two different media tests. You should know that different brands and types of media use different dyes and they require different laser power for it to record properly. If a drive uses too much power, it will create marks that are too wide. These marks can physically interfere with each other. Using too little power will produce undersized marks and will reduce signal levels during playback, or the read will fail all together.

The TEAC CD-W524E uses an OPC or Optimum Power Calibration test to determine the best writing laser power for your drive and media combination. The drive is able to pull the estimated Optimum Recording Power value from the Absolute Time In Pregroove (ATIP) information encoded in the lead-in area of the media itself. The drive then uses this value as a starting point and tests higher and lower power settings. It tests this in a reserved space of a disc called the Power Calibration Area (PCA). After it writes these test marks, it reads them back and looks for differences between the marks (pits) and the lands. If a mark is too short, the laser was underpowered. If its too long, the laser was overpowered. From these marks, the drive tries to find the best laser power for the media you're using.

ROPC (Running Optimum Power Calibration) takes this process a step further. During the OPC tests, the recorder also monitors the amount of light reflected back from the disc. During the writing process, the drive monitors the amount of light being reflected. It then compares this to the results from the OPC test. If there are any differences, laser power is adjusted on the fly. This helps maintain the optimum writing conditions for each type of media.

You can see the results of this in my tests above. The TEAC was able to write at 24x to all of my test media, something no other drive has been able to do yet. Of course there is a trade-off here. The TEAC isn't the fastest 24x writer around but if you want a faster writer you will give up the media compatibility. The choice is yours.

Note that the Teac does NOT defeat SafeDisc 2.51. However, judging by posts online, it's better significantly built than the Lite-On.

By the way, I must say that Plextor has a very lame firmware upgrade Windows app. My friend had a Firewire QPS drive which is a rebadged Plextor 12/10/32A. I installed the QPS firmware update (which is the same as the Plextor one). It found the drive and then installed the firmware, and then the software hung. Fortunately it updated fine to 1.08 from 1.04 but it scared the crap out of me. Then I tried the "real" Plextor one on a branded IDE Plextor 12/10/32A. It found the drive but refused to update it from 1.07 to 1.09. WTF? Actually it "failed" the update and again scared the crap out of me. However, it did work fine fortunately, but with the old 1.07.


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2000
i also did some reading on forums and such. and came up with that some Plextors are fine with SD2 and others are not. but there are a lot of people out there saying that it works just fine with Medal of Honor AA and Serious Sam2 and the latest firmware, 1.03 so i believe everything should be fine. as to the $120 40x, that was listed in the Hot Deals forum sometime in the last 2 weeks or so. I do not have either of those games to test so i can't say anything off of first hand. but it seems that it works just fine. And regardless, why do you need to copy SD2 stuff if you own it? that's just a moral question, given that backing up is a really good idea if you lose the cds.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I usually back up games that cost 50.00, My son just broke my Starcraft CD, so to me a backup must exist on my important games.
It isin't right that your not allowed to do it, SD2 and such.
If people would only buy the games again.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
My Liteon must not be working right because it won't back up my copy of MOHAA, I have the 24x Liteon
Had trouble copying it with clone CD.


Jun 8, 2001
billyjak really ? Sorry to hear that. What is MOHAA btw and what SD does it have? SD2 or no the new SD 2.5 or whatever it is?