Listening to rap music a form of torture!!


Senior member
Dec 29, 2001
"...treatment of prisoners at Gitmo, including one detainee being held in such cold temperatures that he shivered, another who was held in heat passing 100 degrees and one who was chained to the floor and forced to listen to loud rap music.",2933,159748,00.html

haha. It's nice Senator Durbin considers being forced to listen to rap music is torture.

Also, an added poll for your enjoyment - If you have shivered before, and if you have been in temperatures higher than 100 degrees F, you should vote yes. If you've never shivered before, or never been in a temperature high than 100 degrees F, vote NO.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: indianduddawg47
"...treatment of prisoners at Gitmo, including one detainee being held in such cold temperatures that he shivered, another who was held in heat passing 100 degrees and one who was chained to the floor and forced to listen to loud rap music.",2933,159748,00.html

haha. It's nice Senator Durbin considers being forced to listen to rap music is torture.

Also, an added poll for your enjoyment - If you have shivered before, and if you have been in temperatures higher than 100 degrees F, you should vote yes. If you've never shivered before, or never been in a temperature high than 100 degrees F, vote NO.




Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2001
I think there is more to it than being exposed to these things. Most people have a choice in what they are exposed to. Others don't. It also might have something to do with the way they were exposed to it.


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2001
I like all kinds of music...but I do find it really funny that these guys that have their bass amplified usually have a speaker rattling, and they're driving around alone.


Apr 8, 2002
Oh wow Amnesty international calls Gitmo the gulag and now democrats have jumped on this train?

/shakes head


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
I'm just wondering why those a$$holes get air conditioning in the first place.

Hell, every Summer, 100s of people die in Chicago highrises because of lack of air conditioning. And these idiots are complaining. Pretty sad. I am sure those that worked in the REAL Gulag would have liked to have some (any) heat on the nights when temps hit -70F.


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: indianduddawg47
"...treatment of prisoners at Gitmo, including one detainee being held in such cold temperatures that he shivered, another who was held in heat passing 100 degrees and one who was chained to the floor and forced to listen to loud rap music.",2933,159748,00.html

haha. It's nice Senator Durbin considers being forced to listen to rap music is torture.

Also, an added poll for your enjoyment - If you have shivered before, and if you have been in temperatures higher than 100 degrees F, you should vote yes. If you've never shivered before, or never been in a temperature high than 100 degrees F, vote NO.

as someone who doesn't deal with extreme high temperatures well being held somewhere with temperatures in excess of 100 degrees would be a form of torture. if you were arrested and put in conditions close to what they have you would be saying it was torture. but since these people aren't really people at all to you it's perfectly okay no matter what they do right? i really can't stand people anymore. what the hell is wrong with everyone?


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
if you were arrested and put in conditions close to what they have you would be saying it was torture.

My house gets over 100F sometimes in the Summer. Should I start complaining to someone about it? As far as I know, the local county jail here does not have AC in the bunks - and it gets warm there. Should AI and the Dems shut the jail down and let everyone else. Perhaps they could hand them free 'feel good' passes to Neverland Ranch while they are at it.

God, the weakness of those on the left is going to be the downfall of this nation. Sadly, with the help of the media, this is occuring rapidly.


The press needs to stop living their glory days. Reminds me of the stupid guy that talks about that one game, back in high school, where he almost...


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: irwincur
I'm just wondering why those a$$holes get air conditioning in the first place.

Hell, every Summer, 100s of people die in Chicago highrises because of lack of air conditioning. And these idiots are complaining. Pretty sad. I am sure those that worked in the REAL Gulag would have liked to have some (any) heat on the nights when temps hit -70F.

I think they pretty much summed it all up in the movie Team America: World Police.

Republicans = dicks
Democrats = pvssies
Terrorists = a$$holes

very funny movie.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Tommunist
as someone who doesn't deal with extreme high temperatures well being held somewhere with temperatures in excess of 100 degrees would be a form of torture.
Because most terrorists in Gitmo originally were from Greenland...

Originally posted by: Tommunist
if you were arrested and put in conditions close to what they have you would be saying it was torture. but since these people aren't really people at all to you it's perfectly okay no matter what they do right? i really can't stand people anymore. what the hell is wrong with everyone?
When I was in school, I was forced to be in classrooms, and guess what - during the winter, I shivered, and in the summer, I was exposed to heat over 100F in PE class (and a lot of the times, in regular class too). If I said that was torture, people would look at me funny, and say I needed help. If you want to see real torture, send me a pm.

EDIT: Also, who are the two people who have never seen temperatues over 100F and/or never shivered before? You need to get off your computer right now, and go outside!


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: indianduddawg47
Originally posted by: Tommunist
as someone who doesn't deal with extreme high temperatures well being held somewhere with temperatures in excess of 100 degrees would be a form of torture.
Because most terrorists in Gitmo originally were from Greenland...

Originally posted by: Tommunist
if you were arrested and put in conditions close to what they have you would be saying it was torture. but since these people aren't really people at all to you it's perfectly okay no matter what they do right? i really can't stand people anymore. what the hell is wrong with everyone?
When I was in school, I was forced to be in classrooms, and guess what - during the winter, I shivered, and in the summer, I was exposed to heat over 100F in PE class (and a lot of the times, in regular class too). If I said that was torture, people would look at me funny, and say I needed help. If you want to see real torture, send me a pm.

EDIT: Also, who are the two people who have never seen temperatues over 100F and/or never shivered before? You need to get off your computer right now, and go outside!

1. i was talking about myself - and yes i would consider it torture to look me in a room that is over 100 degrees - i would almost certainly pass out after a while b/c i'm very well acclimated to cold temperatures.

2. there is a lot more going on than simple exposure to very hot or cold temps. this threads whole premise is retarded. instead of looking at everything that's going on let's just look at 2 of them and leave out everything else. it's like by saying that if these 2 things aren't torture than there is no torture going on there. now what i really said was that to think for one second what you would call what was happening to you if ALL of the things that are happening to people there was potentially happening to you? perhaps then you wouldn't be so brash as to brush off the conditions there.

everyone keep telling yourselves that there is nothing going on there if that helps you sleep at night.


Senior member
May 5, 2004
I remember when the word "torture" actually meant something.. bamboo-shoots under the nails, dislocating joints, starvation, lopping off fingers and toes, etc (y'know, like the Japanese, Koreans, Germans and Vietnamese did to our guys).. these murderous terrorists are living on an island in Caribbean w/ culturally sensitive meals, access to the Koran, air-conditioning, a place to worship, etc. and we're supposed to feel sorry for them? Really? Seriously?

/load of crap



Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
It could have been worse.

They could have been forced to endure classical music.

PS. I don't like rap, I do like most classical music. My joke, for those with a sense of humor, points to the practice of playing classical music (of the Muzak variety) outside of congregating spots for drug dealers and users. It helps to reduce the crowd.

Oh, if you don't have a sense of humor, don't read this post.
Jun 8, 2005
Why don't you guys talk about this:

"After the President decided to ignore Geneva Conventions, the administration unilaterally
created a new detention policy. They claim the right to seize anyone, including even American citizens, anywhere in the world, including in the United States, and hold them until the end of the war on terrorism, whenever that may be.
For example, they have even argued in court they have the right to indefinitely detain an
elderly lady from Switzerland who writes checks to what she thinks is a charity that helps
orphans but actually is a front that finances terrorism."

That was in the speech too. rights=frustrating

Edit: Instead of letting fox news tell you what the speech is about, maybe you should read the speech and get some oppinions for your self.


Senior member
May 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Stratago
Why don't you guys talk about this:

"After the President decided to ignore Geneva Conventions, the administration unilaterally
created a new detention policy. They claim the right to seize anyone, including even American citizens, anywhere in the world, including in the United States, and hold them until the end of the war on terrorism, whenever that may be.
For example, they have even argued in court they have the right to indefinitely detain an
elderly lady from Switzerland who writes checks to what she thinks is a charity that helps
orphans but actually is a front that finances terrorism."

That was in the speech too. rights=frustrating

First off why don't you provide a link to the whack-job.. er a.. web-site you copied that from?



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: indianduddawg47
Listening to rap music a form of torture!!
I've always agreed with that. Fortunately, my stereo has an off switch.

Now, why didn't your ding dong poll relate to your title statement? :roll:

I see the < gag > news sight leads their story with a nice, journalistically < gag > fair and balanced headline:
Administration Appalled by Durbin Remarks
Too bad you have to read so far down the article to see he was not making the charges up. He was referring passages quoted directly from e-mails from an FBI agent.
If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime ? Pol Pot or others ? that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.
Did you even take the time to click the link to the PDF of Durbin's actual statement?
Let me read to you what one FBI agent saw. And I quote from his report:

On a couple of occasions, I entered inter-view rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18 - 24 hours or more. On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold. . . . On an-other occasion, the [air conditioner] had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor.
"Fair and balanced," my ass... which is what Fox and Bushwhackos can kiss. :|


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
Why don't you guys talk about this:

OK, we can talk about this - FOR THE F*CKING MILLIONTH TIME.

The Conventions DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT apply to un-uniformed soldiers. Common practice in the past when confronted with un-uniformed soldier was to execute them on the battlefield - or behind the lines after REAL TORTURE and QUESTIONING. They once again DO NOT fall under the protections of the Conventions.

The Conventions were made for those that fight fairly (in uniform and identifiable) and for upholding the safety of civilians. The reason why un-uniformed soldiers ARE NOT protected is to minimize the risk of them endangering the civilian populace by either blending in or using civilians as cover - two things that these terrorist pukes are clearly doing.

So by the very nature of the Conventions, it was created to NOT protect them.

Like I said in all previous wars, common practice would have not even allowed them the right to prison - it was death without judge or jury.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: irwincur
The Conventions DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT apply to un-uniformed soldiers.
Nice to know you've foresaken your humanity. At least, it explains your attitude. :roll:


Apr 25, 2001
I'm curious, do we have enough information to make any kind of judgement about what is going on at Gitmo? All we KNOW right now is that alleged terrorists are being held and some are being subjected to intentionally uncomfortable treatment. We don't know the extent of that treatment, who is subjected to it, or for what reason. All we have is sketchy information that you can't responsibly draw conclusions from. Everything else is just pre-existing bias. Suggesting that they are treated fine and it's pretty much a resort (and they are lucky it's not the good old days and they aren't being "really tortured") is just as silly as suggesting it's the gulags reborn down there.

At the very least, this warrents a closer look, if only so we can determine what is really going on. The door has been opened, but only far enough to permit biased speculation. While I realize that even allegations of terrorist activity is enough for some of you guys to wish torture and death upon people, our country is supposed to be better than that. And if we're not, we need to fix that. Not saying that is the case, but we more information and less speculation is the best way to solve this situation.
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: irwincur
Why don't you guys talk about this:

OK, we can talk about this - FOR THE F*CKING MILLIONTH TIME.

The Conventions DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT apply to un-uniformed soldiers. Common practice in the past when confronted with un-uniformed soldier was to execute them on the battlefield - or behind the lines after REAL TORTURE and QUESTIONING. They once again DO NOT fall under the protections of the Conventions.

The Conventions were made for those that fight fairly (in uniform and identifiable) and for upholding the safety of civilians. The reason why un-uniformed soldiers ARE NOT protected is to minimize the risk of them endangering the civilian populace by either blending in or using civilians as cover - two things that these terrorist pukes are clearly doing.

So by the very nature of the Conventions, it was created to NOT protect them.

Like I said in all previous wars, common practice would have not even allowed them the right to prison - it was death without judge or jury.

But Durbin is saying that we should protect them. Is that so wrong.