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Sep 25, 2001
So I basically have to find these and download them? And I won't get in trouble?
in the past, no trouble.
Lucas was ok with fan edits as long as it was free. he even helped out some of the groups.
Disney on the other hand...


Jun 3, 2011
at this point anything is good to try to exorcise the demon of the prequels. Wanna do a 2h fan edit with all the characters replaced by Jar Jar ? fine. Do it.

I watched the whole 2 hours - felt like 4 - of Ad Astra -

A boring film with too much cast and too little imagination.

Brad Pit is Roy McBride, astronaut but not quite, who works on a so-tall-almost-in-space antenna on near-future earth. Earth gets hit by some sort of huge ass solar flare, yet another, busting up a lot of expensive and useful equipment.
Spoilers below
McBride gets called in by the military who tell him there's a mystery.
Ok so keep this in mind - there is A MYSTERY.

These mysterious energy explosions actually come from around Neptune, and are likely due to matter-antimatter reactions. Now, what are the odds, McBride's dad was the leader of a space exploration mission, many years before, on a spaceship that used a MAM reactor. Obviously he disappeared but they believe he's both alive and on that ship.

Of course the government lies to you so half the info is true half isnt, what a novelty.

McBride has to ... travel to mars ... to record a message for his dad. Because that couldn't be done on earth. With tech we have TODAY. Also the govt couldnt send a message themselves in all these years? Or maybe they have but they think he's ignoring them.
A couple unrealistic things thrown in such as the Moon being a warzone .. with pirates. Lol ok.

McBride goes to mars and does the thing but apparently gets emotional and this gets him fired. You'd think the govt would WANT him to get emotional if they are trying to get his dad to break radio silence.
Anyway, the govt just wants to blow up the ship, which ... ok so won't blowing up a container of antimatter make MORE BIGGER expload? Rather thna it being released slowly?

So McBride goes in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace and finds the derilict ship. It takes him 96 days of flight which, you think if the whole of mankind was threatened by this ship, the govt wouldn't wait to get the son to send the message to then send a single rocket to find the ship, they'd mobilize everything to go find the ship if it's there.
And it is.

Dad's gone a bit cookoo, and, well, he killed his crewmates. The spaceship is damaged so it's sending out periodic energy shockwaves which blow up stuff on earth, but dont damage THE SHIP ITSELF because REALISM FUCK YEAH.

Ship blows up but doesnt do the MAM expload thing, and Pitt rides a shockwave of atomic energy through an asteroid field.

So, the film has this crime of slowly eroding the MYSTERY bit and replacing it with the mundane.
We think the ship is still there - yes it is.
We think your dad is alive - yup, he is.
It's probably the MAM engine doing this - it is.
and we knew that all along.
We may have lied to you - yes and i figured it out already.
But we just want to blow up the ship - i'm totally cool with that sir.
visually, it's well done, but not terribly exciting.
Brad Pitt is pretty darn good in the role of a man who has dominated his emotions all his life, which then you'd expect he would go all soppy and emotional because ooh feelgood movie, but this is subverted and McBride gets a hold of himself and puts his duty first - although, in the end he succeeds in merging his emotional side with his need to be rigorous.
I would say, that this is the only interesting aspect of the film, and, to be honest it's not bad, but the framing device is too clumsy for something this simple. We really didnt need a spacefaring story and on top of that Pitt's character is not terribly well developed, it's just one tiny character arc that takes the whole film to complete.

Casting was HORRID with Ruth Negga in the part of the deus-ex-machina token female who for little reason commits a ridiculous breach of protocol, allowing the story to advance.
Tommy Lee Jones plays a decrepit, insane 70yo man because we all know that by 70 you can't tie your own shoelaces. In space.

There is very little interaction between the characters and . well..

in the end it's more of a bland space story and frankly i cannot recommend it. If you thought Interstellar was AMAAAAZING then this should be right up your street, but this ain't no Alien.
I mean, Disney's The Black Hole was better than this.

my vote: just just just under 6/10


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The Despecialized is OK, but as of now nothing beats the 4K77 version of A New Hope and 4K83 of Return of the Jedi (Empire Strikes Back, aka 4K80, is in the works):

Remastered from the original 35mm prints by fans. Pretty much as close as you're gonna get to perfection.

OK, marking this, because apparently I need to update my despecialized editions? damn it! :D


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
in the past, no trouble.
Lucas was ok with fan edits as long as it was free. he even helped out some of the groups.
Disney on the other hand...

I don't think Disney can do anything about the actual trilogy.

...oh shit, they just bought Fox studios this year. DAMN IT! ><


Elite Member
May 4, 2000
'It Comes At Night' 7/10

I stayed glued to watching it (many times I play on my phone if a movie gets slow/boring). The character development, and the atmosphere/imagery of the movie was excellent. It just really went in a direction that I did not expect at all, but it still was a really good (not great) movie.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
6Underground 6/10
Too much blah blah not enough bang bang. It is 2 hours long and they could have cut around 30 mins and it would have been better. Leave out the boring crap and just stick to the action bits. Wasn't bad just dragged at parts.


Senior member
Aug 16, 2012
6Underground 6/10
Too much blah blah not enough bang bang. It is 2 hours long and they could have cut around 30 mins and it would have been better. Leave out the boring crap and just stick to the action bits. Wasn't bad just dragged at parts.

Yeah, when I started it I was thinking "Really? Two hours?" and yeah, they could have cut out some stuff.

Funny thing was I didn't realize Michael Bay directed it until it hit the credits and then I thought "Well that makes sense."


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2010
Green Book 7/10 Really liked this one. It's based on a true story about an unlikely friendship between a black guy and a white guy on a trip through 1962 Jim Crow south.


May 30, 2008
I can't give movies ratings - because one one level I don't think much of any of them, just am not a fan of movies as an artform, but on the other hand I know I'm low-brow and sometimes just want to watch something to pass the time, even while I'm thinking "this is a bit crap, really".

I sometimes find myself thinking "this is truly dire, even morally objectionable" but carry on watching it because I haven't got anything more edifying to do, and then feel ashamed of myself for doing so.

If I have to make some sort of judgement, I would say that among all the mindless action movie garbage I've seen on Netflix recently, I find Jason Stratham much less unlikable than Bruce Willis or Liam Neeson. Maybe that's just some sort of accent prejudice on my part?

The Hateful Eight was entertaining enough, but as with all Tarantino efforts I kep[t wondering "does this actually _mean_ anything? Or is it just an excuse for showy but empty dialog and graphic violence?"

I have never liked Star Wars, even when seeing the original at the cinema when very young. But with the later efforts I seem to like them in inverse proportion to how much mystical 'the force" bollocks was in them. Rogue One was OK, like a sf version of a WW2 resistance flick (e.g. The Guns of Navaronne).


May 30, 2008
Since the Alien series is on Crackle I did my yearly watching.

Alien and Aliens are 10/10 movies. Why in the hell didn't they (Cameron or Scott or whomever) follow through with the logical plot conclusion and put the aliens on earth? I remember Alien 3 as morose nocturne set in a distant prison colony but I never rewatch that one. I saw Alien 4 once and didn't like it; I don't even remember the plot (except that Michael Winslow was in it).

Maybe they couldn't put it together at the time; possibly the tech didn't exist for an all out "humans vs. aliens" war movie. Its too bad. I think it would have been epic.

Aliens was a prime example of an idea getting ruined because the property became too valuable for studios to take any 'risks' with it (maybe also due to Signorney getting too much influence? Bit like Schwarzenegger with Terminator?). First two were genuinely good, but every one since then has been a massive disappointment. Would have been better if they'd just let some arty or experimental director do something completely unexpected with the third one, taking a chance rather than trying to preserve a cash cow. It might have failed, but at least it would have been an interesting failure. Instead they have completely run the formula into the ground at this point, it's dead now, I think.
Prometheus was way, way, too portentious, missed what made the first two good, which was in not trying to be deep and meaningful, but just doing a genre movie really well.


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
OK, marking this, because apparently I need to update my despecialized editions? damn it! :D

Be sure to get the non-DNR versions, though the fans know what they're doing and it's probably not bad at all. The amount of grain is incredible.

EDIT: BTW, check out the Grindhouse editions. They're the 35mm scans with no cleaning, so you get all the scratches/dirt. It's really something else. Here's a comparison for ESB, though a YouTube video doesn't do it justice - you've gotta watch it on a nice big HDTV or projector:

Last night I watched Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood. I'd probably give it a 7/10. Certainly didn't feel like a Tarantino movie but the acting was excellent (as was the music), and the ending was hilarious. Felt like it dragged in some scenes, mostly the Western movie scenes.
Last edited:
Nov 20, 2009
I watched season 1 of the OA on Netflix. It's weird (really weird), yet oddly compelling. I'll give it a 7 out of 10.

I also watched Wandering Earth. It kinda reminded me of a Chinese version of Armageddon. The Sci-Fi is pretty bad, and the whole movie is filled with over the top heroism. The special effects are pretty good, though, and the premise was interesting. I'll give it a 6 1/2 out of 10, and hope that Hollywood does more cerebral reboot of it someday.
I watched season 1 of The OA last night. Man, it was like the biggest horse pill I had to take. I had to question myself in laboring in watching this show after each episode. Then the end of Part 1 came and went. I was about to shoot the TV. So, I watched episode 1 of Part 2 (season 2) and initially thought 'okay, something is different here' and then that episode came and said, "You've got an even bigger horse pill to swallow, you dumb fucker!" So, unless someone can say that season 2 isn't a carbon copy of season 1, which is why I suspect the show got its ass cancelled then watcher beware.

As a control I should say if comparing the entertainment's worth of The OA to Schindler's List that I found the Nazi initiative much more entertaining than The OA. I know I'll burn in hell for that statement but damn I want my many hours back--and to choke up those horse pills.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
Funny thing was I didn't realize Michael Bay directed it until it hit the credits and then I thought "Well that makes sense."

LOL same experience. Does Bay no longer carry any weight? I know he isn't well liked by movie buffs but the general movie audience love shit like The Transformer movies. Just think Netflix would have plastered Bay all over the ads for it.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
6Underground 6/10
Too much blah blah not enough bang bang. It is 2 hours long and they could have cut around 30 mins and it would have been better. Leave out the boring crap and just stick to the action bits. Wasn't bad just dragged at parts.
I watched it last night and would give it the exact rating of 6/10 as well. I agree it was too long as well. I thought the hotel scene was the end of the movie then I paused it for a bathroom break and it said 41 minutes left. I was like wow wtf?

It also definitely felt like a movie made for the ADD generation with the way it was cut and filmed.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
6Underground 6/10
Too much blah blah not enough bang bang. It is 2 hours long and they could have cut around 30 mins and it would have been better. Leave out the boring crap and just stick to the action bits. Wasn't bad just dragged at parts.

I can't believe I watched this movie. It was utter garbage from the first to last minute



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I watched it last night and would give it the exact rating of 6/10 as well. I agree it was too long as well. I thought the hotel scene was the end of the movie then I paused it for a bathroom break and it said 41 minutes left. I was like wow wtf?

It also definitely felt like a movie made for the ADD generation with the way it was cut and filmed.

Right. every single one of Bay's films are edited this way. none of it ever makes any sense. I think he makes films only to generate a neat poster or advertising image. Every damn thing is barely-coordinated to produce a handful of "cool images!" for various purposes
Nov 29, 2006
I watched it last night and would give it the exact rating of 6/10 as well. I agree it was too long as well. I thought the hotel scene was the end of the movie then I paused it for a bathroom break and it said 41 minutes left. I was like wow wtf?

It also definitely felt like a movie made for the ADD generation with the way it was cut and filmed.

My eyes/brain were hurting in the first 5 mins of the movie. I had to turn it off. Maybe ill try another time.


Jun 3, 2011
i watched a film that was similar but not horrible: Code 8 -

in the near future, some humans have superpowers, but rather than fly around fighting supervillains, they use said powers to work constructions jobs and other menial tasks. Fire immunity? Work the chip fryer. Shoot lightning bolts from your hands? Electrician.
Also the government is bad.
Because he's got a mom who is sick, Good Guy(tm) uses his powers to join a gang of Bad Guys(r), but he's still a good guy. There is a robbery and some shooty bits, but in the end goodness and love prevail.

And it wasn't horrible. i wold give it a 6.5/10 - watchable midweek film.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Santa Claws : 11/10



No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Santa Claws : 11/10

Hahaha my son watched this last week while I was on the couch catching a good part of it. The acting and effects though ... I'll just leave it at that.

It's a good spirited movie though and great for kids. My son is 4 btw.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Hahaha my son watched this last week while I was on the couch catching a good part of it. The acting and effects though ... I'll just leave it at that.

It's a good spirited movie though and great for kids. My son is 4 btw.

great thing about kids, is the always-defensible excuse of why you are watching such movies. :D


Platinum Member
Jun 24, 2004
I've been hammering through some terrible Hallmark-esque Christmas movies this season. There is a time / place for any movie, no matter how awful! I am generous this holiday season. That being said I don't know if I actually want to think back on what I watched and review them...


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I've been hammering through some terrible Hallmark-esque Christmas movies this season. There is a time / place for any movie, no matter how awful! I am generous this holiday season. That being said I don't know if I actually want to think back on what I watched and review them...

I still like the classics.

Christmas Story
Die Hard
Lethal Weapon
Die Hard 2
Silent night, Deadly night

Oh, if you guys need some suggestions:

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