Linux Mint Question-FAH


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
I have started switching my rigs to boinc for the pentathlon and I want to stop FAH and prevent it from auto starting in case of a reboot.

How do you prevent a service such as FAH from starting automatically on reboot? I know how to start and stop the client using terminal but can’t seem to find a way (that I understand) to disable/enable auto startup.

There should be a command for terminal to do that but I haven’t found the right explanation yet. May just be a syntax thing that I am not doing correctly.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
You could simply pause the folding slots. If a slot finished its work, and you then pause it, FahClient keeps it paused even through reboots.

But to actually switch off auto-starting of FahClient, you can do this:
How to control whether services (such as FAHClient and boinc-client) are started automatically at boot, and in which order:

Mint 18.3 apparently does not have a GUI for this. (E.g. OpenSUSE has one.) Nor did I find official documentation how one is supposed to control services on Mint. But this seems to work:

sudo update-rc.d FAHClient disable|enable [ runlevel ]​

(Don't cut and paste this. State either disable or enable, and optionally state a runlevel (e.g. 5) without brackets. See "man update-rc.d".) AFAIU, FAHClient with GPU slots needs to be started after X11. More research required...


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Thanks. I looked at the man pages for rc.d and realized there was a good bit more to rc.d than meets the eye, and took the easy way out and just 'paused by user'. That works fine and since I will be going back to FAH after pentathlon anyway that would a little more graceful and easier........for me at least. I go down enough rabbit holes by accident. :)