Linux Mint and BOINC


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
I have Linux mint 18.3. I got the Boinc-client and Boinc-manager and installed using the software manager. I used terminal to start the client, but I can't get boinc-manager to run, so I am unable to attach to a project.
I have also installed via software manager: the Metapackage, Boinc-Client-nvidia-cuda, and Boinc-client-opencl. five packages in all.
I have re-started client after installing. Still can't get Boinc-Manager to start.

Anyone want to post an installation guide for Boinc on Linux????????


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
I may be wrong*, but I think you need to enable one of the following things:
  • The user who runs boincmgr needs read access to /var/lib/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg.
    (Haven't tested this myself.)
    (This is the default on Windows, hence Windows users don't experience this trouble.)
  • You need to enter the password from gui_rpc_auth.cfg into the dialogue which you can get from boincmgr's "File/ Select computer..." menu item.
  • You need to give the password as -p parameter in the command line when you start boincmgr.
  • There needs to be a readable copy of /var/lib/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg, named gui_rpc_auth.cfg, in the working directory from which boincmgr is started.
  • You need to edit /var/lib/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg to be empty, and restart the client, thus allowing unauthenticated control.
Any one of these on its own should be sufficient; you don't need a combination.

More info on remote control, but also relevant to local control on a multiuser system:

*) I'm not sure because I configure any new client on my own system right away to have remote control enabled ("remote" = from anywhere in my LAN). I never used the client with remote control disabled.
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Senior member
Nov 12, 2017
I went here:
I found this:
./run_client --daemon; ./run_manager

I believe I had issues running it from the software manager and ended up going directly to the Berkley download..............but now that I read the site I linked might be a mistake since it uses more memory AND does not use all of Linux's safety features.


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000
There should be an icon for the Boinc manager, no need to run a command. You will see
the contents of the boinc folder are all over the place, it's a pain with the meta package. Also with
18.3 mint, it's a little buggy with mint. 1 is if you shut down Boinc it might not start back up- needing a restart.
Give the berkeley installer a try. I think it keeps all the files in 1 folder.


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Thanks guys.

As a last resort I rebooted the computer and Boinc Manager "suddenly" worked. :rolleyes:

I attached to Rosetta, an old favorite, and I am crunching away. I may be back when I attach to a GPU project, but I am good for now.

I avoided the Berkley installer (Wiki advice), but the software manager lists a lot of packages and my problem was which to install. I resorted to the mentality, "if one is good a bunch must be better", and went with the five I mentioned.


Elite Member
Aug 2, 2003
GUIDE for BOINC on Linux Mint 18.3:

From the Welcome Screen click APPS, in search bar type BOINC, install "BOINC - Metapackage for the BOINC client and the manager"

Silly Goose!

I find BOINC runs in the background after that initial setup, and after a restart, I have an icon on the desktop to start the manager/GUI.