hello I want to mount one of my windows partition in linux
but I want that only one person (root or my account) has the write permision. Everybody can read the files but only me can modify then or write to that partititon.
I have tried many thing and I am capable to set the permission to read and write (rw) or read only (ro) for every user even root.....
I want root to have write acces and other ones only read acces .....
please show me what line I have to write
I tried
/dev/hda5 /mnt/fuji vfat nouser,exec,nodev, setuid=501,rw,umask=0 0 0
uid 501 is my account
and is ther a way to apply changes of fstab without rebooting?
but I want that only one person (root or my account) has the write permision. Everybody can read the files but only me can modify then or write to that partititon.
I have tried many thing and I am capable to set the permission to read and write (rw) or read only (ro) for every user even root.....
I want root to have write acces and other ones only read acces .....
please show me what line I have to write
I tried
/dev/hda5 /mnt/fuji vfat nouser,exec,nodev, setuid=501,rw,umask=0 0 0
uid 501 is my account
and is ther a way to apply changes of fstab without rebooting?