Linux 6.1 question


Sep 25, 2000
Hi All,

I had linux 6.1 running fine on my system (P III 550 coppermine, Asus P3V4X, Maxtor diamond max 40 HDD, Voodoo3 2000 PCI video card, dual boot Win 98/Linux, with Boot magic )

I installed a new video card (Asus v-7100 GeForce 2 MX AGP) and ran xf86config from a comand line to update my x server

X-windows would not start, so I figured what the heck, and did a complete re-installation of red hat, with the new video card installed. X will still not start. If I switch back to the voodoo3 card, and re-run xf86config, the system operates normally.

So the big question is, is there an easy way to make rad hat linux run with a GeForce 2MX card?

As an aside, I am using the default red hat configurations-Gnome desktop, enlightenment windows manager, etc.

Am I just better off upgrading to red hat release 7, or is there a simple fix?

Any help would be appreciated.