Just want to share what has been a few hours of frustration for me. I've been trying to help a neighbor with their new Dell desktop, and have discovered something that none of the tech reps could. I started out with a Linksys WUSB11, and after an hour + on the phone with a tech rep with no luck, tried a Netgear MA101. Both would install fine, and see the available network. Both would not connect, no matter what I tried. After a reinstall of XP, I noticed that the Dell is using USB 2.0. I called Netgear back and asked if their adapter supports USB 2.0 under WinXP and, after being on hold for awhile, was told no. Umm, wish that would have come up earlier. Anyway, if anyone is running that combo, beware. BTW, I installed an internal card and had no problems.