"Link Dead" when overclocked


Junior Member
Oct 28, 2001
I recently built a new 1.6a system, and everything works great except for playing online games, if the system is overclocked at all. The system runs stable at 133 or 150fsb, but if I play online with either clock settings, I will go link dead in a very short time. When this happens I loose all internet connectivity and can only reconnect to my ISP by rebooting the computer. At normal 100fsb I have no connectivity issues at all.

My computer is a:

P4 1.6a
P4B266 (OEM optional USB2.0)
Gainward Ultra/750 XP Ti4600
Western Digital WD1200JB Special Edition
Corsair 512mb PC2700 w/Heat Spreader
3Com 3C905CX-TXNM PCI 10/100 NIC (connecting to a Netgear RT338 Router with built in TA)

The system is running Windows XP home, and I am currently using the built in sound on the motherboard. My connection to the internet is dual channel ISDN that I have never seen down in the 6 years I have had it. I can surf, FTP email etc with no issues at all while the system is at 133 or 150fsb. The system is completely stable at 133, which I was planning to run it at, turning in a 10680 3Dmark 2001 score after running continuous loop for 26 hours straight.

I have tried about all the things I can think of to find a solution to this or even if its not fixable (because of the overclocking) to understand the cause. Any ideas or information that would help me would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2001
I had similar issues a while back with my AMD sys. I had my fsb running at 143MHz just 'cause it rounded to 1.5GHz nicely but my Linksys NIC was a little cranky with that. Even after I clocked back, I would loose connectivity occasionally and could only link up again if I renewed my IP (or rebooted). I let it go for a while doing this as needed until the NIC finally died and subsequently killed my OS. You might try swapping NICs as it may be possible that it didn't like being run at 150MHzfsb (37.5MHz) and was damaged or was slightly faulty from the start. A NIC swap worked for me and I still run the new one at 144MHz fsb(36MHz) without a hiccup.