Lifemapper-TA needs your help


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I am currently in the lonely position of being the only producer on the TeAm AnandTech lifemapper team. I doubt I'll be able to drum up support like DanC has been able to do with dpad, but I thought I'd at least give it a shot. We are currently in 31st place and are outproducing all but 9 teams. Just like dpad, a small contribution will make a big difference. I have had no problems with the client. It has never crashed on me, it allows you to set the priority that it runs at, and you can cache up to 200 units. It doesn't support multiple cpus/HT so you will have to run more than 1 client.

Here is a quick overview of the project taken from the website.

It uses the Internet and leading-edge information technology to retrieve records of millions of plants and animals in the world's natural history museums. Lifemapper analyzes the data, computes the ecological profile of each species, maps where the species has been found and predicts where each species could potentially live.

The research that developed Lifemapper was supported by the National Science Foundation, the US government agency that supports all basic research and education in non-medical science.

How will Lifemapper's results be used?

For biodiversity research, education and conservation worldwide, especially to forecast environmental events and inform public policy with leading-edge science.

For example, using Lifemapper's predictions of animal and plant distributions

Researchers will be able to model and simulate the spread of emerging diseases, plant and animal pests, or invasive species of plants and animals and their effects on natural resources, agricultural crops and human populations.
Environmental scientists will be able to model and predict the effects of local, regional or global climate change on Earth's species of plants and animals.
Land planners and policy-makers will be able to identify the highest priority areas for biodiversity conservation.
Teachers, students and the public will be able to discover and map their backyard biodiversity and how it might be affected by changes in rainfall or temperature or by the spread of other species.
Humans have explored the life of the planet for the past 250 years. That knowledge is documented by millions of original specimens of plants and animals in the world's natural history museums and herbaria. Become a Lifemapper and help science use this knowledge to better understand and conserve Earth's biological diversity. Become a Lifemapper and help science inform environmental solutions for Earth's biological diversity.

You can view your stats on number of units analyzed, number of species analyzed and you can even look at more detailed information on the last 500 units you crunched including pictures if available on google and a map of the data you worked on.

It is starting to get lonely being the only person on this project. It would be nice to have someone throw at least computer onto this project to keep me company. I am managing to keep us at around the #9 team in daily production with just a p3 1ghz and a p3 3.2ghz.



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Definatly a good reason to do another DC project. And this one seems to help the world in a good way. I will have to do some more reading about this. With all the house searching and other info, I haven't had much time to do much of anything as of late. I haven't had the time to post anything here either.



Senior member
Oct 17, 2001
I just started on Lifemapper to help out the Lifemapper Team.

I downloaded the cli version. and running It does LIKE cpu cycles. Figured out I cant run lifemapper and dpad at the same time. Lifemapper soaks up all the cpu lol. I'll move this to other machines.


Seti :D
Dpad :D
Lifemapper :D


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Slang -

I applaud your efforts - and support what you're trying to accomplish. It's always tough to hold the world at bay single-handedly. Thanks for the kudos btw...

TeAm Anandtech has always... ALWAYS stepped up to help each other out. Obviously - I'm in the midst of a heated battle, and must remain focused. For the record... I support Slang's effort - and encourage those who may be "on the fence" to carefully consider joining this cause.



Golden Member
Jan 31, 2004
Slang..... How would this run with SETI on the same machine? Would there be any kind of conflict for cpu time .....


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: wischeez
Slang..... How would this run with SETI on the same machine? Would there be any kind of conflict for cpu time .....

Honestly I am not sure. I have always tried to run seti by itself or else my cpu time per wu goes up and I like it as low as possible. I have never tried to use the -p switch but it looks like you can use it to change the priority level. It looks like the default priority is set to low 64. I'm sure someone here can speak up and say what priority level would let it play nice with other dc apps.


Apr 15, 2003
Is there an easy setup guide for Lifemapper that includes how to join the Lifemapper TeAm?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2002
ive messed with it and LM took way too much CPU time
i wouldnt give it up for games or winamp visualizations.
i guess i should read about the -p switch.


Golden Member
Jun 20, 2001
Be patient. :p Help is coming....just as soon as Seti 1 is over. ;)

I'm already signed up...just have to keep my priorities for the time being. :(

In the mean time.....start putting together a thread with links to install the cli version. I was unaware that there was one. We'll do some real recruiting then. ;)


Sep 17, 2003
I have reinstalled the program on one of my machines. I will add it to another this evening.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2000
How many wu/models/species do you do a day, and where can you check the daily output of the members/groups ?

Whats the average production for say a p4 2GHz and an AMD 2000+, just to know what produce what.
Which processor type is best, Pentium 4/3/M or AMD XP/64 ?


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2002
Originally posted by: soni
How many wu/models/species do you do a day, and where can you check the daily output of the members/groups ?

Whats the average production for say a p4 2GHz and an AMD 2000+, just to know what produce what.
Which processor type is best, Pentium 4/3/M or AMD XP/64 ?

Athlon XP 2600 512mb does about 4 units/hour.

member stats

group stats

Choice for each as to stats by name or # of jobs


Diamond Member
May 29, 2000
Thanks TAandy..

Actually, I had found those stats pages, but I cant see the daily production nor who is currently active..
Guess you will have to monitor those pages :p

Anywhere you could get a stats dump in text/xml format :p

ohh, whats a unit ? A model or a species?


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2002
Originally posted by: soni
Thanks TAandy..

Actually, I had found those stats pages, but I cant see the daily production nor who is currently active..
Guess you will have to monitor those pages :p

Anywhere you could get a stats dump in text/xml format :p

ohh, whats a unit ? A model or a species?

Can't help you there soni, sorry :(
I think a model and a species are both the same.


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2002
Originally posted by: GunDog
OK, I'm cornfused. HOW can I be #10 in the world????

8 [GSV]sunneh 11/11/2003 475 7d 17h 45min 383 United Kingdom Unknown The Digital Darkroom sunneh_sunnehdslpipexcom
9 [TA] - PeterN 8/7/2003 278 3d 12h 54min 176 Netherlands Germany Mammal TeAm AnandTech Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany.
10 [TA]Force 3/3/2004 2 0d 0h 26min 1 United States Unknown TeAm AnandTech
11 [TA]-PeterN 8/17/2003 594 10d 14h 37min 523 Unknown Unknown TeAm AnandTech
12 [TPR] Goody600 6/23/2003 16983 355d 19h 22min 4506 United Kingdom Unknown Team Phoenix Rising

reloaded the page 3 times.. These stats are confusing.. I've only done 2 species thingies and #10 while others have many more than I.

Member Stats

# of jobs page
2388 Wirthi 5/6/2003 2 0d 1h 2min 2 Austria Austria Free-DC Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien (Vienna), Austria.
2389 [TA]Force 3/3/2004 2 0d 0h 26min 1 United States Unknown TeAm AnandTech
2390 Joachim Kuebler 5/30/2003 2 0d 1h 51min 2 Germany Unknown Insect

# of jobs


Not trying to be insulting, but I think the stats are in alphabetical order, :)



Senior member
Dec 13, 2003
Does the screen saver version of this run as a blank screen? I really need that functionality


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2002
Originally posted by: yelo333
Does the screen saver version of this run as a blank screen? I really need that functionality

Unfortunately no, as far as I can see, if you go into the screensaver settings and clear the map display, it says you should create at least one display mode.
You could try the command line version and just blank the screen ?


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Hey SlangNRox! This sounds great, SETI and DPAD is taking up all my time for now...but when SETI ends and I get banned from DPAD, I'm all for this! Hope a big bunch om members join up! :D


Golden Member
Jan 31, 2004
Slang.... Right now I'm helping the SETI TeAm, but after S@H 1 ends..... what would you say to 3 Athlon XP's and a P4 coming over to help you out? How fast could we get to #1 with those and some more help. Soggysocks is coming over after S@H1 ends. Maybe some of the other SETI crunchers can be talked into it also? Also, there is a CLI version right?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
A little thing called work has kept me from posting in this thread. There is a cli version that is much faster than the other version. I do around 2 units every 20 minutes using the cli while I remember it taking around 30 min/unit using the minimized graphical program even with most of the graphic updates basically turned off.

Honestly we are really far behind the other team in this project. I'd just like to invite people to try it out and maybe some people will like it. Personally I like to try everything just so I know whats out there.

Here is a good stats page for individual team member stats.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2001
Not trying to be insulting, but I think the stats are in alphabetical order, :)[/quote]

LOL dasm, I feel like an idiot now. wasn't paying that much attention to detail I reckon :(

To my defense, I had just started my first mug 'o' coffee. :D

Note to self, no posting till you at least finish the 1st mug. hehehe