Life Goals


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Obviously most people want to be as wealthy as possible, but how do you plan, or how do you currently live your life?

Do you work more to buy more?
Do you work more to save more?
Do you work less to enjoy free time?
Do you plan to retire as soon as possible or would you rather buy toys, travel, get entertainment now?
When you earn more money do you buy nicer homes/cars?
Would you rather live below your means to save more or maximize your social status now?

Just a few questions to stimulate some answers to a very vague question. I'm just wondering what people's realistic life goals are. Not winning the lottery and buying jets/islands and whatnot. Just what you expect will happen within your life, what you'd like to do/have and why.

I'm just curious because I'm 24 and just invested a bunch of money in a retirement fund and while i can afford a better car, nicer place, a boat, etc; I haven't *yet* as I see them as bad investments right now. It's a balancing is useless when you are dead, but if you don't save the last years of your life will really suck. Also, how much weight do you give to less/more work vs. income and what do you do with the excess or what don't you buy with less income.

Have at it :)


Jul 31, 2001
Make enough money that I dont have to pinch pennies but I dont expect to be living super luxuriously either. I just want to make enough where money is not a constant source of worry and most of the things that I want (within reasonable limits of course) can be bought without it braeking the bank.

As far as retirement goes, i dont want to retire early most lybecause I hope to enjoy my job enough that I dont mind doing it until 65


Nov 9, 2000
1. Work just enough to make the money we need to live comfortably and save for retirement.

2. Exercise regularly and eat healthy

3. Compete in Ironman Kona by the time I'm 40

4. Tour the USA and Canada on a motorcycle with my wife

That's all I've got so far.


Feb 14, 2002
I work more to buy more.
I work more to save more.
I work more so I don't ever have to worry about money.
I will work until I die. Hopefully I won't work as much in later years but I'll still work.
I don't need a nicer home than what I have now. I would like more toy cars but work and family leave me little time to enjoy it.
I don't care about social status. I do as I please and don't care about what others think. Part of it probably have to do with my blue collar work.

I've two complaints about work. First, I would like to travel but work makes it hard to find the time. Second, I would like to spend more time with my daughter but work makes it hard.


Apr 9, 2000
I want a hobby farm some day.
Maybe 30 acres or something like that with a pond and alot of trees.
Get a couple of different kinds of animals, cows, chickens, ect, for food.
Probably start an apple orchard too.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Regs
Drink 1 bottle of vodka without vomitting.
I did 13 shots in a row of vodka :)

Not a fun night...seemed like a good idea at the time.

13 shots = 78% of a 26er.


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Stunt
Originally posted by: Regs
Drink 1 bottle of vodka without vomitting.
I did 13 shots in a row of vodka :)

Not a fun night...seemed like a good idea at the time.


I went to a doc because I was depressed about my whole life. He told me to treat every day like it was my last. So I stayed in bed strapped to an air tank, coughing blood, and with an IV attached to my arm. Didn't help at all.


Oct 10, 2006
Make and/or play a large part in some huge scientific breakthrough (along the lines of nuclear fission, lightbulb, internet, etc). I also want to travel and set foot on every continent (including Antartica).

Other than that, I just want to have a good life. ie: Rich enough to not worry about money that much (not living-in-mansion-with-5-car-garage-and-private-tennis-courts-rich, but upper-middle-class, nice house, 100k+ salary rich) a wife and kids that I love... typical American Dream.


Jul 1, 2001
Yeah... I'd like to do something important with my life that really matters too, like help to cure cancer or solve the global warming problem. Becoming independently wealthy would be nice too!

How in the hell can I do that by working a mid-level IT support job, though? I'm getting too old be naively optimistic about the future, and need to start being realistic.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Weird, I just realized I don't have many new goals.

I'd still like to ride my bike from coast to coast some summer
I'd like to kayak or canoe from here (western NY) to the Gulf of Mexico
Let's see... I already did a triathlon, won my age division, so that's taken care of, and that'll never happen again.

Careerwise, I'm quite content. I'm already married, am happy with where I live. Retirement plans seem okay at the present time.

Do you work more to buy more? Not really, I have enough.

Do you work more to save more? Not really, my rate of savings (including investments) seems okay to me.

Do you work less to enjoy free time? Only a fool works 16 hour days for 30 years.

Do you plan to retire as soon as possible or would you rather buy toys, travel, get entertainment now? I'd get bored if I retired too soon. And, I have plenty of free time now. I'll take the toys, please. Besides, when I'm 70, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the toys, other than maybe a golf cart. I'll probably work for several years beyond when I'm allowed to retire to avoid boredom. One can only spend so many hours in a year fishing.
When you earn more money do you buy nicer homes/cars? I was just looking at a 2007 truck the other day. I could easily afford payments on it. I'm opting to continue driving my 1996 car instead. I really don't need a truck, although everyone tells me that I do. Our van pulls our boat just fine, and my car pulls our camper just fine.

Would you rather live below your means to save more or maximize your social status now? I really don't care at all about social status. It's almost meaningless in the area I live anyway. I've chosen for my social status: teacher and farmer. As far as status based on income in this area, there are 2 levels: poor and not poor.


Jul 2, 2003
You can't rectify global warming or peak oil.

You could possibly study enviornmental engineering and work on sustainable energy projects.



Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Own and operate the family business until I go senile or die.

Money isn't currently much of an issue. I don't chose to live ostentatiously nor would I if I had even greater financial means.


Golden Member
Dec 12, 2006
1. Transcend this feeble biological form.
2. Amass all knowledge about this universe and conquer it.
3. Find out if there really is a God: if there is, usurp his position; if not, become God.

In the meantime, I would really like to get my Ph.D. and get a job.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
The important stuff:
Be British Champion
Hit a 300Kg total (140/160) @ 85kg = go to the World Champs and the Euros also
2x bw Clean and Jerk
Compete in the 2012 Olympic games
Travel around the world a bit
Marry a girl I really love and start a family sometime :p

I'm not massively £££ orientated. My career path is good and I won't struggle for £££ if I have a job. I could have bought a lot of toys with 18months salary in my account. I bought a house and I'm 23. I live comfortably but I have cheap hobbies (training, sports) and don't spend on random stuff.

Everything is great at the moment. Just got to get over 2 injuries fully...



Sep 10, 2001
I want to live on a small farm and be totally self sustained without a "normal job". Just live off my land, including renewable energy like solar or wind or something. That would be great.


Jul 2, 2003
I want to live on a small farm and be totally self sustained without a "normal job". Just live off my land, including renewable energy like solar or wind or something. That would be great.


A man after my own heart!

Goodluck on your endeavor! PM me or Sampson if you have any questions!



Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Rogodin2
I want to live on a small farm and be totally self sustained without a "normal job". Just live off my land, including renewable energy like solar or wind or something. That would be great.


A man after my own heart!

Goodluck on your endeavor! PM me or Sampson if you have any questions!


I honestly don't understand why some people LIKE to live this way. I admit that there's a definite satisfaction in being completely independant, and it's peaceful, but after having lived in both metropolitan and rural areas, I much prefer the former.

Relaxation and peace have their places, and even I can enjoy sleeping in, long slow walks, etc. But I can't live without action of some sort. There's just nothing new in rural communities. There are only a set number of people, a set number of forms of entertainment, and a set number of events that are likely to happen. (and all of said "set numbers" are generally small) It just gets too routine after awhile. There's little or no diversity in anything, and you can only experience so much.

And if I want take-out, at least (in a metropolitan area) it'l still be warm by the time I get back to my house :p


Jan 4, 2001
I can't say I really have any concrete goals for myself. I figure I'll make it through college with a decent GPA and get some sort of engineering job afterwards, hopefully making $50K+.

Get married, eventually, though I don't see that happening in the next few years.

Kids, I really don't want. I know that they take a lot of time, money, and attention. I think I'd be quite capable of being a good parent, but it's just that I don't want to do all that. And I think that alone is a good reason to not have kids, at least at this point in my life.

A house.....well I really don't know where I want to live. Erie, PA - the weather sucks. There is some form of precipitation quite often (rain or snow, take your pick), and it's always windy there. I don't want somewhere in the south because I can't stand heat or humidity. I also don't want to be in "tornado alley." I think I'd be best suited for something similar to Quebec's "underground city," where I'd imagine that weather wouldn't be much of a problem.

But concerning a house, I have seen "kits" online for building a geodesic dome greenhouse. It uses a large tub of water as a thermal battery. The water is piped around underneath growing troughs surrounding the perimeter, which keeps the plants at a stable temperature, permitting growth year-round.
I like gardening, but I hate the weeds, the heat and bright sunlight, and of course the constant bombardment of horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and various other life forms which love the taste of human blood.
A properly sealed greenhouse could permit gardening with a minimum of weeds, regulated temperatures, and no insects.

The other option may just be to have a nice sunroom, but I've only ever been in one sunroom in my life, so I don't know what forms they could potentially take on.

But concerning not having any concrete goals, I guess it stems from my dislike of planning in general. Too often I make plans, only to have them disrupted by the curve balls that life throws. So I try to make loose plans a day in advance, but generally nothing more. The longer the time period, the more generalized and less-detailed the plans get.


Jun 22, 2004
Have one million dollars saved or invested before I'm 30. Attainable.
Have ten million dollars saved or invested before I'm 40. Attainable.


Jul 2, 2003
Relaxation and peace have their places, and even I can enjoy sleeping in, long slow walks, etc. But I can't live without action of some sort.

You've only been on vacation when visiting farmland.

I've known that a majority of the population doesn't understand homesteading-you've just made it completely conspicuous.

God help you.



Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2000
I want to make enough to live comfortably, but I don't need a lot of money.

And I want to have a family, defined by me as being in an excellent relationship with a man I love, and having friends around me.

Those are the two that are most important to me.

Below that are numerous others, the top most probably being that I live in the country, but not far from the city (where I live now is great, less than an hour from Columbus).