All good advice here, especially when people are telling you to not expect a penny back. Figure it as if you get paid back, it's a bonus. If you don't, you've learned a valuable lesson. Shoot, I've been told that even in the bible it says not to loan money and expect it back, so I figure that's good advice (and anyone who wants to question me where it says that in the bible, read the part where I said
I've been told, then go look it up yourself!!
That said, I've probably lent out over $20k in the past 20 years, and haven't gotten a penny back. What I do have is people that feel so guilty about it (without me ever saying a word to them either) that they'd probably kill for me if I pushed them to do so. It is rather nice, though, since a couple of them are automotive mechanics, and I haven't had to pay for a single repair on my truck in the past 5 years!!
What I always tell people is that I don't expect to be paid back, and why. If it happens, great! I can always use more fun money in my pocket, and take whatever is given to me to play with. But when it doesn't happen, I'm neither surprised nor angry about it. Most of the time I "lend" money, it's to people that I know can't pay me back, but I also know really need it. I always tell them to "pay it forward".......when the day comes in their life that they're comfortably well off, and can do something similar for someone else that's deserving of it, then do so, without question or pause.......and tell that person the same thing I just told them. Besides, ya can't take it with you, right?