Letstalk Cell Phone deals, Verizon, ATT, Cingular, T-Mob, Nextel


Diamond Member
May 15, 2001
Here are just a few of the great deals from LetsTalk.com

One of the best deals looks to be the Moto V710 for Verizon for $179.99


Motorola MPx200 Smart Phone(ATTWS GSM) for $149.99 after rebate with free shipping

ATT Wireless Nokia 3100 $100 cell phone -$100 after rebate

Motorola V600 Color Flip Camera Cell Phone with bluetooth $99.99 with free shipping

Sony Ericsson T616 Color Camera Cell Phone with bluetooth for FREE AFTER REBATE with free shipping

Samsung SGH-E316 Color flip Cell Phone FREE after rebates with free shipping

Samsung SGH-X426 Color flip Cell Phone -free after rebate w/ $100 in your pocket with free shipping

Nokia 3300 (AT&T - GSM) color cellphone MP3 player for FREE AFTER REBATE

Nokia 3200 (ATT - GSM) cell phone for FREE AFTER REBATE & $30 in your pocket

Nokia 3595IM color GSM Cell Phone (AT&T Wireless) for -$50 after rebate

Siemens A56i GSM Phone FREE after rebate w/ free shipping

LG G4015 Color flip GSM Cell Phone free after rebate with $50 in your pocket w/ free shipping

LG G4011 GSM Phone free after rebate with $100 in your pocket w/ free shipping

Cingular GSM deals at LetsTalk

Motorola V600 Color Flip Camera Bluetooth Camera GSM Cell Phone $149.99 w/ free shipping ( with Activation with Cingular Wireless)

Nokia 3595 Color GSM Cell Phone -$50 with free shipping

Sony Ericsson T637 (Cingular GSM) cell phone FREE after rebate and free shipping

LG C1300 (Cingular) flip GSM cell phone FREE after rebate with free shipping

Sony Ericsson T226 (Cingular GSM) cell phone FREE after rebate with $100 in your pocket

Samsung SGH-P107 (Cingular) color cell flip GSM camera phone $49.99 after rebate

Samsung SGH-X427 (Cingular GSM) for FREE after rebate at LetsTalk.com

Motorola V400 Color Camera GSM Phone (Cingular) for $49.99 after rebates with free shipping

Samsung SGH-S307 (Cingular GSM) for FREE after rebate with free shipping

Sony Ericsson T226 Color GSM Cell Phone FREE AFTER REBATE & $50 in your pocket w/free shipping

Siemens A56i GSM CellPhone for FREE AFTER REBATE with $50 in your pocket

LG 1300 GSM Color Flip Phone (Cingular) FREE after rebate with free shipping from letstalk.com

T-Mobile GSM

Samsung SGH-E715 (T-Mobile) color flip cell phone for $99.99 after rebate

Sony Ericsson T610 Color Camera GSM Cell Phone with Activation with T-Mobile -$100 with free shipping

Nokia 6600 (T-Mobile) Color cell phone for $149.99 after rebate

Nokia 3660 (T-Mobile) Color Camera GSM cell phone for FREE after rebate

Samsung SGH-D415 (T-Mobile) color flip cell phone for -$149.99 after rebate with free shipping from letstalk.com

Samsung SGH-E105 (T-Mobile) color flip cell phone for -$50 after rebate with free shipping from letstalk.com

Siemens CF62T Color flip gsm phone ( T-Mobile) on sale from Letstalk for the -$30 after rebate and free shipping

Blackberry 6710 for a promotion price of FREE AFTER REBATE with $50 in your pocket with free shipping

Blackberry 6230 for a promotion price of $99.99 with free shipping

Motorola V600 Color Camera Cell phone $49.99 after rebate

Motorola V300 Color Camera Cell phone FREE after rebate with $50 in your pocket


Motorola (Nextel) i88 Iden cell phone for free AFTER REBATE with $70 in your pocket

Motorola (Nextel) i730 color flip phone for FREE AFTER REBATE

Motorola i205 cell phone for -$50 AFTER REBATE

Motorola (Nextel) i710 color flip phone for FREE AFTER REBATE

Motorola i830 Bronze cell phone for $149.99 AFTER REBATE

Motorola i530 flip cell phone FREE AFTER REBATE with free shipping with activation at Nextel

Verizon Wireless (Verizonwireless)

Motorola V60S Flip Cell Phone FREE after rebate (Verizon Wireless )

Nokia 2285 (Verizonwireless) FREE AFTER REBATE

LG Vx4400 Color Flip Cell Phone $29.99 after rebate with activation with VerizonWireless

LG Vx4500 Color Flip Cell Phone $49.99 after rebate with activation with VerizonWireless

LG Vx4600 Color Flip Cell Phone $49.99 after rebate with activation with VerizonWireless

Nokia 3585i (Verizon Wireless) for FREE AFTER REBATE

Samsung SGH-A530 Color Flip Cell Phone $49.99 with free shipping

Audiovox CDM-8900 (Verizon Wireless) $99.99 after rebate

Kyocera SE47 SLIDER CDMA Cell Phone (Verizon Wireless) for $49.99 AFTER REBATE free shipping

HOT Motorola V710 Color Camera / Video CDMA flip Cell Phone $179.99 after rebate with free shipping

LG Vx-6000 Color Camera Flip phone for $49.99 after rebates with free shipping

Samsung SGH-a610 Color Camera Cell Phone $179.99 with free shipping


Feb 14, 2001
List too long to go over, but those prices seem to be about on par, or more expensive then amazon.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Great deal for verizon phones. There are not a lot of places that sell verizon phones at a discount.